Latest Kitchen Design Trends 2025

Styles in Latest Kitchen Design Trends 2021

Many years ago since the concept of cooking has changed, now we not only demand a functional kitchen but also have to have a design that makes us fall in love. If we have enough square meters to configure our dream kitchen, with this post dedicated to the latest trends in kitchens 2025, you can find lots of ideas, combinations, distributions, etc. But if your kitchen is limited by the square meters of our floors, you should not worry, there are many ingenious solutions so you can enjoy a modern and functional kitchen for this 2025.

LATEST DECOR TRENDS IN KITCHENS 2025 | NEW CONCEPTSStyles in Latest Kitchen Design Trends 2021

The kitchens have been fully integrated into the decoration of our houses, before it was that hidden and secluded room in the house, where it was cooked in solitude. Today the concept has changed, we increasingly like the concept of open kitchen or American kitchen.

Spaces that unify and integrate, spaces where you can share talks and a glass of wine in an open and pleasant space. That concept is what has been used for the design of the new kitchens for this year 2025. Kitchens that can be perfectly integrated with the decoration of our living room, living room or dining room.

But not only can we talk about kitchens as furniture but it is also a space with floors, walls and ornamental elements.

This year the kitchens are presented with clean, soft, minimalist forms but without losing their functionality, perfectly distributing each element. Natural elements combined and forming elegant compositions regardless of size. An example can be seen in this small kitchen where elements such as natural wood combine with simple and clean lines.

The light color of both the furniture and the wooden elements provides a feeling of spaciousness and luminosity in a kitchen that has virtually no natural light. The choice of a ceiling hood is the ideal solution for the evacuation of fumes and odors.

The latest trends in kitchens 2025 are committed to pure and elegant styles, kitchens with islands or peninsulas remain at the top in terms of trend.

Cabinets placed horizontally in front of a classic vertical distribution, with this solution we managed to expand the storage spaces. The new organization systems will help us take advantage of all the spaces providing functionality to our kitchens.

The combination of dark-colored furniture with light furniture is another trend that is becoming increasingly stronger among our preferences. The white tones provide luminosity and should be located in the places where we need to see well.

Stone countertops with veins or smooth, polished marbles, granites and even polished and sealed cement are the options that we like the most when choosing the countertops.

In addition I am going to show you some photos so that you can take as an example and that will help us realize for example that the kitchens are now betting on ample spaces, where they can display all their greatness and with large refrigerators and bells and on the other hand also They adapt to the times that we live since many are sure to live in small apartments so that we can currently find kitchens on the market, which are even framed within a closet.

Also in this small floor line, we can find the tendency to install the kitchen near the dining room or living room and to separate both environments, we can bet on a piece of furniture that integrates some appliances and that serves as a “border” between both sides.

As for the decorative styles for kitchens for this year 2025, we have to talk about the rustic style and that it takes a lot not only for the kitchen, but for the whole house. Large kitchens like the one you see in the photo and that is from Ikea, or something smaller. The furniture is taken with a certain “vintage” air, the marbles and the furniture with a certain “retro” air.

Another trend for kitchens 2025 is to have furniture, and in particular the drawers, which open and close automatically. We just have to touch them so that they open and much less push them to close themselves.

Finally we have to talk about the color, since the kitchens that we see in many stores are currently committed to include furniture in different colors, such as red or yellow and that serve to give some more light to an environment of the house that In the past it was only seen as a place of passage to feed us and that like the rest of the home decoration has evolved.


Styles in Latest Kitchen Design Trends 2021

One of the main trends in kitchen for 2025  is the presence of color furniture. While IKEA has maintained (and maintains on many occasions, especially for those who prefer minimalist inspiration to whites), the “impolute” kitchens in a perfect white, one of the latest trends is to innovate.

Not only in the color of the walls, in the inclusion of colored vinyl floors or vinyl to decorate both the furniture and the refrigerators (yes, yes, the refrigerators are also starting to decorate), but now they also seek on purpose that the doors of the furniture are of an intense and vivid color, as well as this red that we see in the following photo.

As you can see in the image, it is divine and super chic, a kitchen of the most daring and current. In short, a kitchen that impacts, that gives life, that falls in love. And that is what is wanted in recent years: to bring a bold, flirty and colorful touch to all rooms, to every corner of our house.

But in the end what we are trying to do is to be more and more innovative, more daring when it comes to placing colors in every corner, corners and places where we had not even considered it before, since we are used to molds that already They were starting to seem too rigid.

So by the hand of the most daring red, we have gone crazy. And it works, you just have to see the images we show you.

Bold colors and full of joy this year will flood Spanish kitchens. Sinuous forms, another concept of understanding the kitchen and its evolution. This compact design stands out for its colorful appeal, a design designed for people who know how to enjoy food always surrounded by people.

2021T TRENDS IN KITCHENS| AMERICAN BARStyles in Latest Kitchen Design Trends 2021

Perhaps it is because we are increasingly fond of American programs on homes and kitchens, and in them the protagonists always insist on throwing partitions to achieve an “open space” (these two words can never be missing in these types of programs), An American kitchen.

However, we are more of the thought that the walls avoid odors, what will be done, we think differently. Maybe it’s because we don’t have as many square meters available as them.

The fact is that if we had the possibility, in reality we would also like to have a kitchen like that, so, since we cannot afford everything, we have borrowed this inspiration: the American bar. The American bar goes halfway between a traditional kitchen and an open space one. Bar stools are also in fashion, don’t you think they are ideal for breakfast? More and more kitchens conquered with this style.

LATEST TRENDS KITCHENS 2025 | TO THE OFFICEStyles in Latest Kitchen Design Trends 2021

Today there are many offices, especially in large cities such as Madrid, where it is necessary to have a kitchen in the office or a minimum space for workers to make their rest between work hours.

For places like this, and especially if we talk about the most chic companies, the ideal will be a soft decoration, since what is needed is a moment of calm and then returns to the load. In addition, a tastefully decorated environment will facilitate interpersonal relationships, something always positive for a company.

LATEST TRENDS KITCHENS 2025 | WOOD AND COLORStyles in Latest Kitchen Design Trends 2021

At the beginning I recommended you to innovate, innovate as much as possible, since it is the perfect time to dare to have the kitchen we have always wanted, however crazy the idea may seem.

However, if your style is more classic than daring, but you still want to give it a touch of color, we have the perfect combination for you: furniture and color.

Yes, because to some wooden kitchen furniture, even a dark one, you can reduce the intensity with white applications, such as the American bar and the countertop, and add the touch of color and modernity in chairs, tables and curtains.

TRENDS IN KITCHENS 2025 | THE WALL A PART OF THE KITCHENStyles in Latest Kitchen Design Trends 2021

The walls are often the forgotten ones, beautiful tiles and that’s it. Today there are different ways to decorate the walls of our kitchen. Materials easy to clean and maintain flood catalogs design is that it is time to leave the old conception.

If a few years ago we had raised the idea of using paint to beautify the walls of our kitchen, we would have been branded crazy. The cleaning problems are completely solved with the new coatings for kitchens, from elegant anti-splashes, tempered glass cloths, special paint for kitchens or why not, wallpaper.

LATEST TRENDS KITCHENS 2025 | PAINTINGStyles in Latest Kitchen Design Trends 2021

This is a very simple example of how to use the paint to integrate it with the kitchen decoration. This kitchen has its walls painted in broken white plastic paint, the kitchen as we can see is also white in color just like the island that appears in the first place. What gives life to the kitchen, the aesthetic details of the lamps and the wall.

In the kitchen area, a plastic or acrylic paint in intense yellow color has been chosen, breaking with the monotony of white with a stroke of color that we can combine as in the image, with industrial-type lamps in the same yellow color.

These types of paints are very resistant to fast drying. The characteristics that the paint that will decorate our kitchen should have is as we have already mentioned, that it is easy to maintain and clean so we will use a plastic or acrylic paint. The paint will have a waterproof and anti-mold finish.

As a tip, if we are going to choose a clear paint, the best option will be plastic paint because of its texture and consistency it will cover the surfaces better.

LATEST TRENDS KITCHENS 2025 | STONE PANELSStyles in Latest Kitchen Design Trends 2021

Another way to cover the walls of our kitchen is to use stone panels, this can be natural or artificial. It is a very daring option but at the same time trend for this year 2025.

It will be important the color, the type of slab we choose and the placement of this. In the market there are many designs from rusty slate, rock, red brick, white stone, etc.

Each with a different texture and with a great variety of colors. Elegant and very easy to put on designs that we can combine with both rustic furniture, further enhancing this quality or with current designs, creating an eclectic environment.

LATEST TRENDS KITCHENS 2025 | PAINTED PAPERStyles in Latest Kitchen Design Trends 2021

No one would have thought of using wallpaper to decorate a kitchen years ago, but today it is a great alternative to decorate the walls.

An infinity of textures, models, prints, colors and drawings will help us to give more personality to our kitchen. Another functionality of the wallpaper is that it can serve as a transition between two spaces, creating a visual separation that on the other hand does not impede the fluidity of the room. The papers that we will choose for a stay such as the kitchen will preferably be vinyl papers, very easy to clean and place.

Combine the paper with other elements such as paint or stone, the paper will allow us to decorate all the walls or choose one to stand out. Infinity of drawings and motifs will encourage us to choose paper as part of our ideal kitchen design.

LATEST TRENDS KITCHENS 2025 | VINYLSStyles in Latest Kitchen Design Trends 2021

Now if what we are looking for is a really easy option to maintain and of course to clean without a doubt that is vinyl. Vinyls that adhere perfectly to the walls of our kitchen giving personality to the room. Fun designs, symbolic phrases, recipes or even that picture that you like so much, it could be enlarged and turned into a unique and personal piece.

You can combine it with any type of kitchen furniture, providing freshness and originality, a very creative idea that will make the kitchen a unique space. Its easy maintenance and placement make this option an original, creative and very personal idea.

STYLES IN LATEST KITCHEN DESIGN TRENDS 2025Styles in Latest Kitchen Design Trends 2021

Among the styles of the latest kitchen trends 2025, the Nordic style stands out, a type of cuisine that tries to make a game with the contrasts where black along with wood are the new protagonists.

The wood in the Nordic style is a type of natural wood that can be found both on the countertops and in the endings of the furniture in general which makes them look very elegant. Of course the white color also plays an important role in it and the black one gives that more “cold” touch so to speak. The mix is great and generates a very delicate and always austere cuisine.

The vintage, continues as a few years ago being present in everything that refers to styles, either for fashion or for decoration. As for the 2025 kitchens, vintage is present generating traditional kitchens where worn or treated furniture to look a little older are present.

The more “rough” aspect of furniture makes them have a very important place in it. This style can be perfectly mixed with lacquered wooden furniture that gives it that counterpoint. The islands continue to set a trend in everything related to kitchens 2025.

They are spaces with a lot of versatility that make there a work area and a comfort zone to be able to enjoy while cooking or spending a pleasant pleasant next to the kitchen. It is a very sensible and clear way to take advantage of the space and have a lot of activity in that area of the house.

This can be created in various ways, both with a dividing element of the two spaces and having only the island independently without generating an American kitchen. In any case, the work surface is an important key because it can integrate both the cooking and sink areas as well as serving as a table to eat or have breakfast in it.

HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT KITCHEN FOR YOU?Styles in Latest Kitchen Design Trends 2021

Now that you have seen the trends that are taking place in this year 2025 in the kitchens, if you want to change yours, you must take into account certain factors to find your ideal kitchen. Think that we all have the right kitchen and we should only find it to enjoy it much more. Let’s see what you should consider to find the right kitchen for you and your home.

The time you spend on it

Cooking in the kitchen is not the same as cooking and eating in it. In the first case, then choose a smaller kitchen because there is no need to have a table in it with its chairs, but in the second case, you will need a little more space. Keep in mind that the physical space that you have cannot be changed, so if this is small, you will have to use many floating cabinets in order to take better advantage of the space and have the ideal kitchen for you with your table and your chairs

Cook a lot or a little

If you are a person who usually cooks a lot, because it is something you like or you have family and you cannot be eating out every day or want pre-cooked food every day, it is important that you look for a kitchen design that is easy to clean. In this sense, you should avoid very light colors, because the grease looks much more and you should also avoid wood with water, as it will cost you a lot to clean the cabinets well. In this case, the best thing you can do is opt for a kitchen with flat cabinets so that it is simple to clean and you can cook everything you want and much more.

Continuing with the fact that you like cooking a lot, keep in mind that you will also need a kitchen that is spacious because you already know that many utensils are used in the kitchen. If you have a lot of space, perfect to put many countertops, but if the space is reduced you should seek to take advantage of all the space you can to put countertops and take advantage of the walls to gain space with hanging cabinets.

An open kitchen ideal for small spaces

If you see that the space you have for the kitchen is very small, you can choose to expand it making it join the dining room next to you. There are many ways to do it and you will see that you will gain a lot of space to enjoy both the kitchen and your home.

What we do recommend is that if you opt for this option, you have a good hood in the kitchen, so that it easily takes all the smoke when you cook and does not stay all over the floor or the next room.

Find all the cabinets and drawers you can

Finally, we must bear in mind that if you are a person who lives alone and do not use the kitchen much, you can opt for a minimalist design that covers basic needs and you can say that you have a kitchen at home. On the other hand, if you are a family or a group of friends, you should look for a kitchen that is well equipped with many cabinets and drawers, so that you can have much more space.

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