10 Main Trends In Modern Kitchens

If you are going to design your new kitchen, I imagine that you will be looking for and informing yourself about new trends, to have a modern kitchen, to the last. You don’t buy a new kitchen every day, right?

Well, among the many kitchen trends that come and go, there are some that stand out above others today, and it is those changes, those innovations, that we are going to see. Take note and write down these trends for your new kitchen that we started.

Classic Revamped Style

Main Trends In Modern KitchensVillage model kitchen from the Arrital Village kitchen catalog

The classic style but renovated, contemporary kitchens have become very fashionable. They have a warmer and more welcoming character than smooth, fully polished kitchens with straight lines, and offer more pronounced decorative versatility than minimalist kitchens. More moldings, more pronounced edges, warmer, closer. This makes, today, one of the most sought after styles for modern kitchens. Let’s keep going.

Custom BellsMain Trends In Modern Kitchens

Kitchen from the Arrital kitchen catalog models Ak_04

The classic stainless steel is not going to be extinguished from the extractor hoods, but it is true that more and more attention is paid to this element of the kitchen, and due to that it has been innovated in materials, finishes and designs, making the range of these is wider and more and more people decide to put a “different” hood in their kitchens.

From metal finishes to glass and in a very wide range of colors and designs, custom hoods are the order of the day.

Take into account the extractor hood of your new kitchen as it can give it a very different and original touch. It can perfectly become the main focus of attention.

Let’s see another of the trends in kitchens.

Islands, Bars And Offices Suspended Or Semi-Suspended

Main Trends In Modern KitchensKitchen from the Arrital Kitchen Catalog models AkB_08

This is another of the most stable trends of all. It is not usually seen in excess because the suspended or semi-suspended islands do not take advantage of the space below, and in the normal and ordinary kitchens that we all have we cannot afford to waste an inch.

But when it comes to kitchen design, suspended or semi-suspended islands are another clear trend.

It is a purely decorative trend, since it does not add anything practical, but it does give the kitchen a very modern touch, adding design and decoration, as well as lightness.

If you have enough space in your kitchen, study the possibility of a suspended countertop or bar to give your kitchen character and personality.

Warm Finishes

Main Trends In Modern KitchensArrital kitchen with suspended bar

Within the aesthetic part of kitchens there are several colors and finishes that are on trend. We have reviewed the colors recently, and in terms of finishes, in addition to the classic lacquered and ultra-refined ones, the warm ones have been imposed with great force.

Thus, the medium and dark wood tones in furniture and cabinets today are a trend in kitchens, since they offer a very warm finish.

Open Shelves

Main Trends In Modern KitchensKitchen from the Arrital Kitchen Catalog models Ak_05

I can’t quite understand how open shelves have become so fashionable in modern kitchens.

They are practical, yes, because you have everything more at hand, but aesthetically I finish seeing it. Even so, it is undeniable that open shelves are a trend in kitchens and have to appear on this list of the top 10 trends for kitchens.

Made of wood, metal, combined with furniture or creating contrast, the truth is that open shelves offer a different look. Also, how the bottom of the cabinet or wall looks, they make kitchens appear larger or, at least, not so small in some cases.

Be that as it may, take note: Open shelves in kitchens take a lot.

Let’s keep going.

Double Kitchen Island

Main Trends In Modern KitchensKitchen from the Arrital kitchen catalog models Ak_03

As with suspended islands, double islands are not seen in all kitchens, since not all of us have space to put a double island.

But it is a very upward trend in quality designer kitchens.

And it is not merely decorative or an aesthetic issue, by installing two islands the function of the kitchen is expanded and the space remains fluid. A very comfortable and practicable kitchen is achieved.

Dark Kitchens

Main Trends In Modern KitchensDesign kitchen by Arrital

Normally, kitchens are designed in white or in very light tones for a practical matter: that of being able to see food and dirt accurately.

Makes sense right? A kitchen is a workplace, after all, in which we deal with something of the utmost importance such as food. It is normal that we want to see a stain right away so that we can clean it or treat food correctly.

Even so, dark kitchens have prevailed. And it is that with good lighting and with the current antibacterial and easy-to-clean materials, we can work perfectly without having to resort to a white kitchen.

And when I say dark kitchens, I don’t mean just dark woods, no, but completely black kitchens, even.

It must be recognized that a black kitchen has a beauty that contrasts with the idea that we all have in the collective imagination of a kitchen, making us see the kitchen with new eyes, with curiosity and a certain fascination.

Combined Front Or Sill And Countertop

Main Trends In Modern KitchensItalian design kitchen by Arrital Cocinas

To give continuity to the kitchen, combining the front of it with the same material or finish as the countertop is a perfect solution.

Aesthetically, everything is more integrated, more refined and minimalist.

This is a trend that is seen a lot in avant-garde design kitchens, where the front is an extension of the countertop itself, without cuts, without interruptions, achieving a very modern design.

Contrast Countertops

Main Trends In Modern KitchensKitchen from the Arrital kitchen catalog models Ak_02

Curiously, another trend that has hit the hardest and that we can see the most, contrary to the previous one, is that of creating a strong contrast between the countertop and the furniture or the rest of the kitchen design, making the countertop become in an absolute protagonist of kitchen design.

On the other hand, this trend is common sense, since the new or classic materials used to make quality countertops such as quartz, marble, ultra-compact or natural stone, among others, have a natural beauty that al end ends up standing out. So why not take advantage of this advantage and create a contrast with the furniture, making our countertop stand out even more?

Combination Of Various Materials

Main Trends In Modern KitchensKitchen from the Arrital kitchen catalog models Ak_04

If we look back, say about 10 years, and we see most of the kitchens that we know, almost all are designed with the same material, right?

Some are white, all white; others are made of wood, all wood; others are lacquered, all lacquered; etc.

Today the same integral finish to the entire kitchen has given way to a greater variety, and the combination of different materials has become a trend.

This results in a kitchen that is richer in details, with more personality and much more personalized.

Wood, stone, ceramic, or different metals are the most used; Considering its many possible varieties, today’s kitchens have an aesthetic versatility like never before seen.

There are more trends and novelties, but these that I have compiled are some of the most important, of the most stable and of which we are going to get tired (or not) of seeing them. They are here to stay. What do you think? I read you in the comments.

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