These Are the Kitchen Trends 2025

These Are the Kitchen Trends 2021

Concrete fronts, copper kitchens or country house: these are just a few of the many trends that have developed in kitchens in recent years, and in some cases have remained. In general, one sees a strong trend towards more naturalness: whether in the form of kitchens with real wood or natural materials such as stone and concrete. And in 2025, this trend will continue. In addition, there will be another kitchen trend in 2025: open elements in the kitchen. Cabinets with glass doors and lighting, open shelves with metal frames and open shelf pull-outs have many kitchen manufacturers in their assortment. This should lighten up the kitchens and simplify the transition to living space. In terms of devices, the trend is clearly towards additional features that should make everyday life in the kitchen easier. For example, AEG equips the Comfort Lift dishwasher with a liftable lower basket. As a result, you have to bend less when loading and unloading – a great relief in the kitchen routine. In the following article we introduce you to these and other kitchen decor trends 2025.

Dark surfaces and sophisticated lightingThese Are the Kitchen Trends 2021

For example, the trend towards darker materials is obvious. Although white is still the most popular kitchen color, Gray is clearly on the rise. Hardly a manufacturer who does not have at least one kitchen in concrete look in the program. So that it does not become too gloomy and monotonous, elements made of wood or copper loosen up the industrial style.

In this context, the lighting of the kitchen plays an increasingly important role. In hardly any other room is a sophisticated lighting concept as important as in the kitchen – not least for safety reasons. In addition to the basic lighting is now increasingly on indirect light , for example, by lights that radiate from the upper cabinets from the ceiling. Lighting elements and strips are found in cabinets, in the kitchen base and in showcases. Also handles and drawer lighting as well as LED strips in the niche back wall are shown more and more often. Often they can be dimmed or even controlled by app. If you like it colorful, you can install elements with color changes.

The comeback of the showcaseThese Are the Kitchen Trends 2021

The showcases mentioned above are celebrating their radiant comeback as modern shelving systems in 2025. Whether with or without glass fronts and lighting, in stainless steel or black, with wooden shelves or completely puristic – the new shelving systems will not be missed in the future. The systems are flexible and expandable. Beautiful crockery can be set perfectly in scene, at the same time frequently used utensils, equipment or ingredients are easily accessible. The new showcases create important storage space and at the same time represent a connecting element to the living space. The trend towards the fusion of kitchen and other living areas will continue in 2025.

Shelf display case for the kitchen: storage space and design object in one: the new shelves and showcases are not only good in the kitchen, but also in the living area.

Niche rear walls as visual highlightsThese Are the Kitchen Trends 2021

A previously neglected area of the kitchen are the niche rear walls, which now shine with new manufacturers in various shades. The idea: By beautifying, modernizing or replacing the kitchen back wall you can give the kitchen with relatively little effort a completely new face. The classic tile mirror loses more and more importance. In its place are niche rear walls made of glass, wood, ceramics, metal or natural stone. A particular highlight is the backs of glass, which come in patterned or plain colors and can be equipped with LED lighting. The nice thing about it: If you have looked at the color or the subject enough, they can be exchanged easily. There is even the possibility to have a back wall made with your individual wish motif – for example a self-shot photo.

Niche back wall enhances the kitchen visually: This is how your kitchen becomes a real eye-catcher: Niche glass rear walls are easy to clean, enhance the kitchen visually and can be easily exchanged.

Other design trends for 2025 include:

  • Thin worktops, often made of stainless steel or glass.
  • Large sinks, in which also a baking sheet finds place. The drainer seems to become a discontinued model, replaced by roll-out drip grids or permeable sieve inserts.
  • Taps with sensor that are controlled by hand or foot movements.
  • Sophisticated waste separation systems, which are often mounted directly under the sink.

Important kitchen trends 2025

What are the novelties of the electrical appliances?

Also in the areas of cooking, rinsing and storage, the major manufacturers have implemented new ideas and consistently developed existing trends for a long time.

This fridge changes color

End with the unit look – the refrigerator is now in fashion. Colorful refrigerators have been around for decades, but the choice of color has been tricky so far. Since home appliances are durable, it was necessary to think very carefully about whether the chosen color would still fit in with their own living conditions in a few years’ time. This problem is now a thing of the past. Because Bosch has developed the Vario Style refrigerator, the first fridge-freezer combination that can change its color. The idea behind it is amazingly simple. The colored front is held in place with the help of hidden brackets and magnets, enough to pull, lift and remove them. Then you hook the other front and your fridge shines in a new color. Without tools and within a few seconds. So you can quickly and easily customize your refrigerator to your life situation and your taste.

New dishwashers: fast, gentle, powerful

In the field of dishwashers, there are some innovations that make flushing faster, gentler and more efficient. Flexible baskets, removable and movable cutlery drawers and special, height-adjustable fasteners for sensitive long-handled lenses or lift-up lower baskets are just a few of the features that feature in the new dishwashers. Very convenient are also attached to the back wall high pressure nozzles. They clean, for example, heavily soiled casserole dishes, which can be stowed and fixed upright by new divisions in the rear part, particularly effectively. In addition, this will gain space in the dishwasher.

Speaking of a dishwasher: This is – just like the fridge – now in drawers again. A trend that could prevail in small households in particular saves a lot of space without sacrificing comfort.

Innovations in extractor hoods

No matter if it is a skimmer, a headless hood or a downdraft – modern exhaust systems are much more comfortable than their predecessors. New models take less space and are therefore suitable for the modern island kitchen. Increasingly, filterless systems are used, which represents a big step forward in terms of handling and hygiene. Many systems can be easily disassembled and cleaned by hand or in the dishwasher. All offer significant improvements in terms of operating noise and air quality.

Two trends can be observed: the fume cupboard is either space-saving and efficiently installed in or next to the hob – or floats above the heads as an unmistakable design element. For amateur chefs with a penchant for drama, there are illuminated hoods with a built-in high-end sound system. So cooking becomes an event and then you can continue cooking in the kitchen.

Clean air and flexible planning

In many kitchens, massive extractor hoods disturb the otherwise very detailed look. And especially with island kitchens such a hood almost always disturbing and unaesthetic. For such cases, Siemens now offers a solution with its induction Air system, which almost completely eliminates the extractor. This system is a clever combination of induction hob and integrated extractor hood. This is so space-saving installed, that he swallows hardly any storage space under the work surface. The space above the hob is also completely free. Whether exhaust or circulating air is completely up to you. The induction Air system is available in both variants.

Lighter cooktop operation

For a lighter cooktop operation manufacturer NEFF provides. The TwistPad® is a round control knob that can still be operated perfectly even with wet or oily fingers. The pad is held in place by a magnet, in the middle of the digital display of the hob to be exact. Just a light touch in the direction of the desired cooking zone is enough to activate it. Turn the pad to set the cooking levels. Built-in sensors register the change in direction and ensure precise control. This makes the control of the hob very easy. But do not worry: the removable button is also a child safety device. If you take it off, the hob will switch off automatically.

Quick cooking with the Dialoggarer

Still not a trend, but definitely an interesting novelty is the Dialoggarer developed by Miele. The appliance, which looks like a normal oven with an opaque door, cooks food using electromagnetic waves. Sensors inside measure continuously how much energy the food has already absorbed. The required “gourmet units”, ie the amount of energy, the user either himself or he is looking for the appropriate settings in the database, which is to be expanded constantly. It all works by using an app. If a crispy crust or roasted aromas are added, lower and upper heat can be switched on.

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