Industrial Style Kitchen: Characteristics

Industrial Style Kitchen

The industrial style kitchen continues to be one of the most popular choices when choosing what this space is going to be like. Both for its practicality and its timeless aesthetics, it is usually the perfect option thanks to its combination of style and utility. The kitchen is one of the most ‘busy’ and dirty spaces in the house, as it is used often and with not always satisfactory results. Let’s say that it is a gastronomic laboratory in which you must be able to experiment without always taking into account the effects of the mixtures and whether or not they will leave a stain.

Hence, we always opt for something easy to clean, that is, simple, but beautiful at the same time. The industrial style, born in the United States in the 1950s, achieves both objectives by being based on the interiors of the factories or workshops of the artists of the time. Do you want to know how to get a kitchen like this? We tell you in detail in this post, but first we have to take a little trip back in time to understand where the trend comes from.

The origin

Industrial Style Kitchen

Surely between the clues we have given and the name of the style, you already have an idea of where the inspiration for this type of kitchen comes from. This style comes from the factories of the 50s, those that showed their entire internal structure because it was not important to cover it. That was a simple work place and, as such, it was not necessary to worry about it aesthetically; It had to be practical, that was the main concern.

These poorly decorated spaces were used in the post-Industrial period of 1945 to create loft -type houses for all workers. The United States was transitioning from an industrial to a service economy, so space needed to be found quickly. The factories, which no longer had workers inside, became their homes. Today these types of houses are among the most sought-after in the country.

That is why not only the kitchen, but the entire home can have this style, because that is what happened when it was born. However, this room seems to have a special connection with the aesthetics of those factories, since it has the ability to show off this style much more, dominated by metal, brick, worn wood, pipes and machinery.

Exactly those points are what make this style current today. It can fit perfectly with the most dominant trends today, such as minimalism or the return to craftsmanship and handmade or inherited (vintage) pieces. These combinations allow us to create very chic and modern spaces capable of winning us over with their simplicity.

Key points

The principles of industrial style in kitchens are based on the aesthetics of that time, but applied to today and the purpose of the room. The basis is definitely minimalism; If it doesn’t serve a purpose, you don’t need to have it. Hence the lofts, which were created in factories, follow that pretext. In fact, the mentality of second use also comes into play, of using objects that have been created with one function for a completely different one and thus not throwing them away if they could no longer perform their function.

Perhaps that is why this style has created such a trend, since it follows one of the most current rules of interior design: the return to nature and its respect, the sustainability of the decoration and the value of craftsmanship. This gives objects that were going to be thrown away a new chance at life so that they become part of homes with new designs and functions.

Although the main objective is simplicity and everything being visible, it is better to analyze its characteristics point by point if you want to get the industrial style kitchen of your dreams:


Industrial Style Kitchen

Of course, this should be the first point to follow for this. Both the materials and the choice of furniture have to be guided by simplicity and usefulness. Hence, stainless steel, for example, is usually used, since it is a strong and durable material. It is not necessary to go to great lengths to hide elements that should not be seen, such as pipes and plumbing for gas, electricity or water, since they help reinforce the industrial aesthetic due to the simplicity of thought. The kitchen in our project at Barcelona Forum is a perfect example of functionality, simplicity and elegance.

Play with materials

As strange as it may seem, since we have mainly talked about metals for this type of kitchen, wood also has a place in them through old or worn wood in the form of beams, old utensils, shelves, tables, chairs… There are hundreds of objects that can be the best addition to these kitchens and thus add a  vintage touch. Any rough wooden surface, such as those parts with marked and blackened grains or knots, will also look perfect in these environments.

Laboratory look

Industrial Style Kitchen

And, in reality, kitchens and laboratories have much more in common than it seems: in both places experiments are carried out to achieve a result that may not be what was expected, causing the place to become a disaster. Hence, materials are chosen in both spaces that are easy to clean and do not stain. It can be used, for example, as a central sink and work area workbench in the kitchen. Think about the idea, you will surely be surprised at what can come out of a mixture like that. This kitchen conveys that sensation of neatness of a laboratory, it is strong and aseptic.

Add your personality

Of course, nothing makes sense if the room does not represent the inhabitants of the place. No matter how faithful you want to be to the original style, remember to put your essence in your kitchen. What do you want from them? Do you need an island or do you prefer something smaller? Are you going to have to install a dishwasher? All these small details represent you and you should take them into account when designing the space. It is best to write down all the things you want and consult them with the design team that runs your kitchen.


As we have mentioned, this style allows elements that should not be seen to be visible and not attempted to be hidden. There is a kind of need to show the true ‘face’ of a construction, defining an authentic and uncomplicated style. Hence, everything is left raw unless it has to be treated for health reasons, such as the oxidation of metal elements.

The light

Industrial Style Kitchen

Lighting is one of the most basic points in the kitchen, since it is necessary to be able to see properly to carry out all the tasks that are carried out in that room. In addition to that, the light chosen will also determine the industrial design of your kitchen. If you want to be faithful to this style, hanging lamps are the ones that best represent it, especially if you hang them from a long thread or cable downwards, making it look like you haven’t ‘bothered’ to choose something that covers the raw cable. To give it the final touch, use a large light bulb.

Of course, this light will give you a specific focus on the kitchen. If this is not what you want or need or you are looking for your kitchen to convey a little more serenity, opt for dim lighting. If, on the other hand, you are looking for contemporaneity, place light bulbs in white or neon tones.

It will always be a good idea in a kitchen to place several points of light, depending on the areas that are most used for work. If you have an area in that room where you only eat with family or friends, you can choose a more yellowish light, like an ambient light, to convey a cozy feeling.

Beyond the gray

Although due to the choice of materials (metal, aluminum, stainless steel…) this will be the predominant color, they are not the only ones we can use. Before we have already talked about old or used wood to give a slightly warmer and vintage touch, but we can also perfectly add marble or stone combining them with metal elements to create a fusion of very interesting styles and capable of fitting perfectly. This is, in fact, one of the main premises of industrial design: play with what you have so as not to buy anything.

Industrial and contemporary style

Industrial Style Kitchen

The practicality and neatness of industrial style kitchens make them irresistible for many people who are looking for a clean and simple kitchen. However, styles must evolve with the time in which they live. Nowadays, industrial kitchens also have touches of color thanks to aromatic plants that fill the space with brighter colors, in addition to transmitting all kinds of aromas.

As the objective is to take advantage of all the elements we have, we can also add more touches of color and originality with the tableware or kitchen towels. Small decorative elements that will complete the kitchen and provide a personal and unique perspective. However, if you are looking for a ‘pure’ industrial style kitchen, use decoration and utensils in neutral and very simple colors, nothing that is out of the ‘norm’ or standard.

The magic of this style is that it adapts very well to almost any type of fusion, being able to incorporate different decorative elements without both parts colliding. You can even go one step further and use bright colors and uneven shapes in glasses or jars, for example.

In the end, what matters is that you are the one who is comfortable in their space. That it is useful to you (especially when it comes to a kitchen) and that it represents you. Therefore, at E Kitchen Trends our objective is to offer a comprehensive service with the highest quality, maximizing the available resources and minimizing the time in the execution of the projects.

Our priority is to always be at the forefront of design, innovation, new technologies and home automation. In our design studio we carry out projects and services for individuals, entrepreneurs and companies. We anticipate your needs and offer you the best result. If you have any questions or don’t know where to start imagining the kitchen of your dreams, you can contact us so that together we can help you bring all your ideas down to earth and make that vision a reality.

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