Ideas And Trends In Kitchen Interior Design 2022

Ideas And Trends In Kitchen Interior Design 2022

The kitchen has a special place in the home. The comfort of the owners of the apartment in everyday situations and the convenience of those who find themselves in the role of guests depend on the arrangement of the room. Want to know everything about kitchen design trends? The team of the furniture studio figured out the issues of the modern kitchen interior 2022 and is ready to share the latest information.

What to focus on?

The motto of 2022 is sustainability and conciseness. We, like most kitchen furniture manufacturers, FOR the judicious use of natural materials. As for the specific style, there are no strict frames and restrictions. The emphasis is on uniqueness, originality, willingness to experiment and mix several styles of the modern trend.

According to the motto of modern kitchen design, the space should not be overloaded with furniture, appliances and equipment. Decor elements are also limited. Let it be 2-3 objects of an unusual shape made of eco-materials. Between the free centimeters of the work surface and the “very necessary” dishes, standing in a conspicuous place, choose the first option.

What trends will be in the TOP in 2022?

Here are the most sought-after modern styles that fit the kitchen of 2022.

EcoIdeas And Trends In Kitchen Interior Design 2022

Furniture made from natural and recycled materials has become a trend in recent years. Due to the general desire to reduce the amount of non-degradable waste, people have switched to eco-friendly products.

For eco-style furniture, a beige and brown color palette interspersed with blue and green is suitable. It also does not hurt to add prints with imitation of tropical plants. Everything related to wildlife is trendy this season.

MinimalismIdeas And Trends In Kitchen Interior Design 2022

The name speaks for itself. Do not use a lot of furniture and decor in the interior, only the most necessary. If you have a mini-kitchenette or a studio apartment, fate itself ordered to choose minimalism. You will not feel a lack of space, while in terms of functionality, everything will be enough for you.

Focus on clear geometric shapes and simplicity. In the color palette, select 3 colors: primary, secondary and accent. The first two colors are calmer and more neutral, the accent is at your discretion. To “lighten” the kitchen, purchase built-in household appliances, replace large lamps with multi-level point lighting.

EclecticismIdeas And Trends In Kitchen Interior Design 2022

Mix 2-3 modern styles in the interior of one kitchen? Why not! The idea has its own name – eclecticism. This is one of the most complex and effective design trends in modern kitchens in an apartment. It is necessary to choose elements from each stylistic direction that together will create a whole picture. Doubt you overdo it with the details? Entrust the business to professionals. Our catalog contains photos of modern style kitchens.

Pop ArtIdeas And Trends In Kitchen Interior Design 2022

In contrast to connoisseurs of the classics, there are people who prefer pop art. It is characterized by unusual shapes and materials, bright acid colors, colorful prints, and handmade decor. The kitchen in a modern “part-style” style gives an upbeat mood and a sense of celebration.

It is noteworthy that when creating pop art, budget materials are chosen. For creative people who do not want to spend money on kitchen renovations, this is great news.

ScandinavianIdeas And Trends In Kitchen Interior Design 2022

Scandinavian style is quite common in modern kitchens. Its characteristic features are the use of light color palette and wood. Open shelves have replaced the upper kitchen cabinets. A scandi-style kitchen should have a lot of light: do not skimp on the number of shades, chandeliers, lamps.

Color palette for modern kitchen interiorIdeas And Trends In Kitchen Interior Design 2022

As mentioned earlier, in 2022 there is a rejection of brightness and contrasting color combinations. Interior fashion proposes to switch to noble deep shades, and take a light palette of colors as a basis. Moving on to considering specific colors for kitchens:

  1. Neutral natural colors (grass green, sky blue) are suitable for eco-style. Elements of yellow and beige colors associated with the sun look great with them.
  2. The gray color will fit into any interior. Light gray is interestingly set off by berry and wine colors, and for dark gray, yellow and peach are chosen as the second color.
  3. Black is the leading color of minimalism. In 2022-2022, dark kitchen facades and backlit tinted glass are in vogue. To keep the kitchen from looking completely gloomy, dilute the dark base with bright shades, for example: mint, peach, pumpkin or amber.

Fashionable kitchen detailsIdeas And Trends In Kitchen Interior Design 2022

As the image of a girl cannot be called complete without accessories, so the interior of the kitchen looksn bare and incomplete without details. Of course, every contemporary style has its own distinctive elements. But there are also universal things that will become a decoration of any kitchen in 2022. What are we talking about?

Vintage and Ceramic Tableware

Are you going to throw out your old set? Stop, put it in order, put it on an open surface, use it when meeting guests. Ceramic dishes have become a modern trend: they are bought at fairs, in craft shops, and made by themselves at master classes.

Live Plants

Plants continue to live in our apartments, including in the kitchen. It is good if you have a large indowsill under the flower pots. If space is limited, place your plants on open shelves or install a dedicated wall rack.

The spirit of antiquity

Dishes of unusual shapes, vases with antique patterns, ancient Greek motives at the peak of popularity. The described elements are appropriate for both modern and neoclassical interiors. In a modern kitchen, use 1-2 accent pieces. Vases in the shape of a head and candles in the form of a silhouette of a female body look advantageous.

Natural fabrics

Cotton and linen give the kitchen interior ease and airiness. Linen curtains are appropriate in a scandi and eco-style kitchen, and cotton textile elements are suitable for a minimalistic interior. Unfortunately, over time, fabrics lose their attractive appearance, but as they say, nothing lasts forever!

What style for the kitchen to choose?Ideas And Trends In Kitchen Interior Design 2022

The final choice of style from a group of modern trends depends on the owners of the kitchen. Our designers recommend relying on the following factors:

  1. repair budget;
  2. area of the room;
  3. the general style of the entire apartment;
  4. time frame (urgent / not urgent)
  5. number of family members
  6. the tastes of the residents.

If after a long time you are not let go of the torment of choice, we are ready to help in resolving the issue. You can order a modern kitchen from us according to an individual design project. Together with you we will discuss the details and choose the final version of the kitchen interior in a modern style.

Send requests to our mail or call the number indicated at the top of the screen.

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