Fashionable Design in the Interior of Modern Kitchen In 2023

Fashionable Design in the Interior of Modern Kitchen In 2023

Everyone strives to decorate their home so that it is cozy and beautiful. And also to make it look well-groomed and modern. In this article, we will talk about which modern kitchen 2023, fashionable interiors, and interior design are especially relevant.

Progress does not stand still – what was a novelty in 2018 will not surprise anyone now. Let’s talk about what’s in vogue this year, consider kitchens of different styles, and talk about trends.

Our time is characterized by a large number of new ideas in everything. The development of exclusive models of household appliances, the creation of new materials for construction – everything is being improved or even invented.

Of course, not all ideas will get a start in life, this is impossible, but some of them will still be successful and will spread throughout the world. Let’s see what the designers have in store for us this year.

This article will be useful not only for those who make repairs, but also for those who want to keep up with the times by changing part of the interior or placing other accents.

What style do you prefer?Fashionable Design in the Interior of Modern Kitchen In 2023

This is not about the style of clothing, but about the design of your kitchen. This room can be designed depending on your preferences in the interior. Do you like smooth glossy surfaces, glittering metal hardware and black appliances?

Or do you like an oak dining table, ceramic decorative plates on the walls and a Vichy checkerboard on the curtains? Or maybe you like timeless classics?

Wooden classics are always fashionable and relevant

When choosing the style in which the room will be designed, one must also focus on its size. A spacious bright kitchen in a private house in the Provence style will look different than the same style in a small “Khrushchev”. So design is an individual thing, it takes into account the parameters of housing, and taste preferences, and financial capabilities.

Let’s talk about different style directions, what fashionable “chips” 2023 has prepared for kitchen interiors.

A combination of incongruous?Fashionable Design in the Interior of Modern Kitchen In 2023

When we talk about modern kitchens, we are talking about such an important quality as eclecticism. There are no strict laws prohibiting the use of high-tech techniques in classic cuisine.

This year you have to amaze with the design! But this should be an approving surprise, there is a subtle play on the verge of styles, on the mixing of unusual details that form a holistic and complete ensemble.

You can’t just take and buy assorted furniture, lamps, aprons, household appliances that are absolutely not in harmony with anything, pile up all this and present it as a fashionable kitchen in the eclectic style. Such a room will be repulsive, you will not want to linger in it for a minute.

Harmony and beauty should reign in every room of your home, and especially in the kitchen, because here you start your day with the first cup of coffee, here after a long day you meet with your family, communicate, enjoy life. Let’s make sure that it is good here!

The art of room design is, first of all, creating a beautiful and comfortable home according to your individual taste. So it is possible and necessary to combine elements of different styles, you just need to remember the measure and have talent in this area.

We suggest you watch a lot of great options in the video.

What’s new?Fashionable Design in the Interior of Modern Kitchen In 2023

So, let’s talk about the “highlights” of interior design.

What is fashionable this year?

  • headsets without upper cabinets – there will be more air in your kitchen, and you can take up the free space with decor: photo printing, 3D images, interesting apron tiles, skins. And where to store the utensils – you ask, we answer: in the lower cabinets and additional modules;
  • two-colour facades of furniture sets – preferably one saturated colour, the other light. For example, purple-white or red-gray;
  • glass headset facades (matte, glossy or stained glass);
  • minimum furniture, maximum air – give up excess in favor of free space;
  • materials of natural origin – wood will never go out of fashion and will be relevant at any time. Naturalness, environmental friendliness, restraint – this is our motto;
  • the necessary set of household appliances, but not overloading them – shelves, especially open ones, should not resemble store shelves;
  • smooth lines in furniture design, even asymmetric – let’s say no to sharp corners;
  • kitchen-living room – if the size of the house allows, we will combine the kitchen and the living room, make the room spacious. Light, air, laconicism are in fashion. This is a resting place, may you be comfortable here;
  • competent lighting – he needs to pay close attention, this room does not tolerate darkening. Modern lighting fixtures will solve this problem. And at the same time, they will help you highlight the areas of the room, highlight the details, visually enlarge the space;
  • oval, round table – for a spacious kitchen, rectangular, square – for a small one;
  • stretch two-level ceiling – will give your kitchen individuality, hide communications. There are options with a picture, a 3D image – your style will be unique;
  • unusual lighting fixtures – we have already said that sufficient lighting is necessary. But the shape of the lamp (s) can even become a style center, keep attention on itself.

Of course, you should not blindly follow all fashion trends, however, extracting a rational grain and applying fashionable touches when creating a unique design for your own kitchen will be the best solution.

Let’s talk about some of the popular styles that you might like so much that you might want to style your kitchen that way.

Classic kitchensFashionable Design in the Interior of Modern Kitchen In 2023

Oh, a kitchen in a strict classic style will already look a little outdated. Now it is fashionable to add details that would seem to be of a completely different stylistic orientation, but here the unexpectedly strict interior gets a new sound!

Classics never lose their relevance, that’s why they are classics. Try experimenting with the decoration. For example, you can not hide all household appliances behind panels and doors, but try to fit some of it into the interior.

Loft style kitchenFashionable Design in the Interior of Modern Kitchen In 2023

This style increases the number of its fans every year. “Loft” in translation from English means “attic”, earlier this was how the upper rooms were decorated. Over time, this style began to be used in many rooms, including the kitchen.

A deliberately unplastered wall, wooden beams under the ceiling, rough wall decoration, pipes in sight, high ceilings, spaciousness, modern technology and materials, a lot of artificial and natural light – this combination is the loft style.

How has this style changed this year? What was brought there? Modern fashion has added bright colours to the loft style. Previously, these were rather muted, dark colours – brick red, brown, different shades of wood colour. Now these colours are diluted with bright colours. Pay attention to the photo, you won’t want to leave such a kitchen!

Hi-tech styleFashionable Design in the Interior of Modern Kitchen In 2023

The style of high technology originated a long time ago, and, as it is easy to judge by the name, seeks to use new materials, technology, and equipment in the interior. Modern building materials, smooth glare surfaces, clear verified lines, ultra-fashionable household appliances, dazzling lighting – all these are features of the high-tech style.

Since something is constantly being invented and produced in the world, it is this style of interior design that can be updated and modernized annually. This will be innovation – to follow the latest achievements and implement them in your life.

Since the synthesis of styles is in fashion in 2023, as mentioned above, the elements of high-tech style are perfectly combined with the classics, and with the loft style, and with the Provence style… The main thing is to observe the sense of proportion and appropriateness, then your kitchen will be truly original and harmonious.

Provence styleFashionable Design in the Interior of Modern Kitchen In 2023

The romantic style of a southern French village is gaining more and more popularity. It is especially appropriate to decorate the kitchen in this style – so much coziness and grace, hospitality and comfort! This style gives the owners a huge scope for individuality, there are many details, memorabilia, textiles.

Natural materials, an abundance of greenery in flower pots, open shelves with ceramics – these kitchens are not alike, as you might first think!

This year, it is fashionable to add elements of other styles to the Provence style – the main thing is not to overdo it. This style usually includes a minimum of home appliances (or hides behind panels and doors), but you can experiment. Look at the photo to see if this example will inspire you:

Provence-style corner kitchens this year can have a trendy detail – tile, marble or granite countertops.

For a small kitchenFashionable Design in the Interior of Modern Kitchen In 2023

Unfortunately, not all houses and apartments have a spacious kitchen area. There are also very small kitchens, the owners of which also want to have a fashionable renovation. Here you need to be especially careful about thinking through all the details and creating a single holistic interior design. Of course, it is necessary to take into account fashion trends, but remember that you cannot sacrifice beauty or convenience for this.

Light, even white kitchens (with bright accents in the interior) are in fashion this year. This design is perfect for small rooms, because it visually increases the space. At the height of fashion, minimalism and the absence of frills – for a small area, this is just the right thing to do.

The main thing is to find your own individual style, then a kitchen of any size will delight you and your loved ones.

And what will happen next?Fashionable Design in the Interior of Modern Kitchen In 2023

Because in our practical world, everything strives for functionality and comfort, kitchens will continue to be the place where the whole family gathers with pleasure. No matter how fast the running of time is, there is always time to drink a cup of fragrant tea, chat with family.

Most likely, high-tech and minimalist kitchens will be most popular. Already now we increasingly trust the technology to cook for us – multicooker, pressure cooker, double boiler, air oven fill our homes.

And that’s not counting the good old ovens, refrigerators and dishwashers.

Rationality, practicality and beauty – these are the three pillars of the kitchen of the near future!

In conclusion of the article, we wish you to choose a stylish interior design that will bring you joy every day!

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