Modern kitchen for a young couple without children

Modern kitchen for a young couple without children

What should a kitchen be like for newlyweds? They just got married (or just decided to live together), enjoy each other’s company, work hard and travel often, invite friends over, have board games and fun parties. But don’t forget that in a couple of years, perhaps their family will grow, and a baby will appear in the house. We have prepared a selection of stylish, functional and cozy layouts for growth, in which it is good to spend time as a couple, as a threesome, or in a large company.

Compact headsets

Modern kitchen for a young couple without children

The newlyweds’ first home is most often a small studio. This means that the kitchen in such a room smoothly “flows” into the living room and bedroom. At the same time, even in a small studio you can make a corner for preparing breakfast and dinner spacious and functional.

Depending on the rhythm of life of the studio residents and how much time they spend at the stove, the set is individually designed to be as compact as possible. If the family willingly cooks, a significant space is allocated to the work area with a hob and sink. But if the kitchen is more often used for morning coffee and snacks, and dinners arrive from delivery, the workspace can be minimized by devoting the freed up space to storage areas.

Transforming a small kitchen into a highly functional one doesn’t mean overloading it with cabinets. To increase storage space, you can choose high wall kitchen cabinets or build a mezzanine over the top tier to the ceiling. They will be useful now for storing kitchen utensils that are rarely used, and seasonal items, and in the future – for storing children’s things, which are always in abundance.

Smart minimalism

Modern kitchen for a young couple without children

Wasting your youth on constant cleaning? Not our case. The trend towards minimalism and the absence of visual noise means perfect order in the kitchen. It’s much easier to maintain cleanliness rather than clean it up endlessly.

In a modern kitchen for young people there is a minimum of non-functional decor. The most rational interior option is smooth, blank facades, behind which lie smart storage systems in which every item has its place. Pay attention to the absence of gadgets on the work surface, because even a coffee machine can be built-in, and not huddled on the edge of the table. Expressive accents are welcome: this could be a designer lamp, an unusual kitchen apron or a bright poster on the wall.

Relaxation corner

Modern kitchen for a young couple without children

Watching a series on the big screen, morning news over coffee, evening cuddles under a blanket… Let’s be honest: when a baby appears in the family, these pleasant rituals will become a thing of the past (but others will appear!). That’s why it’s so important to enjoy comfort now. Providing a relaxation corner in the kitchen with a sofa, a table and good lighting is an opportunity to read a book in silence, sit together with a glass of wine, and host a whole cohort of friends for mulled wine on a cold winter evening.

Party space

Modern kitchen for a young couple without children

Cozy joint breakfasts just for the two of you and parties that you want to make cozy for everyone can coexist perfectly in the same kitchen if you take care of this at the planning stage. For example, complement the set with a blank bar counter, this will create additional seats for guests and additional drawers under the tabletop.

Focus on lighting

Modern kitchen for a young couple without children

One of the important tasks when planning a kitchen is to think about lighting. It’s great if the location of the room and the size of the windows allow you to enjoy good natural light. But don’t forget about illumination of the work area, convenient illumination of cabinets, high-quality fill overhead light and light accents. For example, local lighting will create a cozy romantic atmosphere for dinner for two. Other tricks include choosing glossy surfaces that reflect light and make the room feel more spacious, light-colored furniture that visually expands the space, and spot lights in the darkest corners.


Modern kitchen for a young couple without children

The kitchen should be an island of calm in the home. What can be done to protect her from the pervasive curiosity of children now?

  • Hidden storage systems will allow you to hide everything unnecessary that may attract the baby’s unnecessary attention, and will reliably protect you from dangerous objects such as knives and electrical appliances.
  • An induction hob will protect you from burns because it remains quite “cool” even during the cooking process.
  • A dishwasher that saves time and effort on washing dishes, and at the same time washes dishes and pots at a very high temperature, killing all common germs.
  • Push to open mechanisms and the absence of handles: it is also very convenient for adults to open the doors by lightly pressing them. And the baby will have no idea that something is hidden behind the smooth surface of the facades.
  • Extra space in the eating area – in the future there will be room for a children’s highchair.
  • Easy to clean surfaces, for example, countertops made of artificial stone or compact slabs, laminated facades are a godsend for young people who are too lazy to clean, and are resistant to stains for many years.

A practical kitchen to grow for a young energetic couple is a space that is always ready for possible changes. Tell the designer of the Stylish Kitchens and Interiors company about your plans for the future, and he will help you design a comfortable, functional, stylish and budget-friendly interior that can be enjoyed in any circumstances and by any family composition.

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