Feng Shui Kitchen 2023: rules for location in a private house
Every housewife has a lot of requirements for the kitchen. Coziness and comfort, convenience in the performance of household chores are indispensable conditions for this room. In addition, it should be attractive, modern, provide positive emotions to all family members.
All these requirements are met by the Feng Shui kitchen. The rules of ancient Chinese science are now very popular, especially in the design of this important room. She claims that the kitchen, equipped in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui, not only pleases with beauty, but also guarantees the well-being of the family, health, and warm relationships.
Contents [hide]
- Benefits of using feng shui in your kitchen
- Criteria for the perfect kitchen 2023 in feng shui
- The perfect location of the kitchen
- Priority colors for the kitchen according to Feng Shui
- Slab placement rules
- Furniture items in the kitchen
- Principles of arranging furniture in the kitchen
- Kitchen lighting
- Feng shui indoor plants
- Feng shui kitchen decor
- Benefits of feng shui kitchens
Benefits of using feng shui in your kitchen
Each housewife has her own schedule for staying in the kitchen. But even a woman who does not tire herself with cooking culinary masterpieces has to stay in it for about two hours. If the room creates a feeling of discomfort, does not provide comfort, daily tests can be detrimental to health. In a kitchen equipped with feng shui, such sensations do not exist. It envelops with comfort, creates ideal conditions for the processes of cooking and cleaning, guarantees a comfortable meal.
Before proceeding with the implementation of the principles of feng shui in the kitchen, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic criteria of this science. Despite the maximum convenience, comfort, compliance with modern fashion, these designs are not suitable for everyone.
The uncompromising science of Feng Shui can:
- Conflict with personal ideas about a cozy kitchen;
- Not conform to habits, traditions, established way of life;
- Be unacceptable for a particular room.
The interior of the kitchen should be cozy and conducive to cooking.
Study the main requirements that ancient science has prepared for this room. If they do not contradict your desires, possibilities, boldly proceed to cardinal changes in the kitchen, turn it into a source of well-being and health.
Criteria for the perfect kitchen 2023 in feng shui
According to the fundamental rules, the Feng Shui kitchen should always be spotlessly clean, providing ideal conditions for the movement of positive Chi energy flows. The owner will have to:
- Remove from the kitchen all old things, objects and appliances that do not have a practical purpose. This will avoid feeling cluttered, allowing the energy to move freely.
- Transfer to other rooms or throw it away, put pictures and photographs, various souvenirs in the pantry that have no place in the kitchen. There should be only dishes, utensils used in cooking, serving. Shelves must be closed.
Remove all unnecessary items and fixtures
- Set aside in kitchen cabinets, tables for place appliances. Coffee makers, combines, toasters, and other devices should be removed from tables after use.
- Prepare containers, organizers, other structures for separate storage of items with different purposes. You will need special places for cutlery, spices and seasonings, kitchen tools.
Organizers and containers help keep your closets organized
- Completely free the countertops. These are working surfaces for preparing, cutting products, there should be no foreign objects on them. This creates interference, complicates cleaning.
- Ensure the presence in the interior of all the main elements of the universe: water, fire, metal, earth, wood. There are no problems with the first three components in the kitchen. If it is not possible to install a pot with a houseplant, you can use photo wallpapers in the appropriate theme or a tablecloth with a floral print in the design.
- Maintain cleanliness in the kitchen, after cooking, wipe work surfaces, stove, floor, do not leave dirty dishes. Spoiled food, damaged items, dishes with cracks, chips should not be stored in this room.
Clear countertops of unnecessary items
- Never quarrel in the kitchen, do not utter swear words, avoid fuss and haste.
- Monitor device health. It is necessary to replace light bulbs and batteries in a timely manner, regularly remove dust from watches, and sharpen knives.
If these strict rules do not bother you, start studying feng shui photos of kitchens, evaluate their compliance with your tastes.
The perfect location of the kitchen
The location of the premises in ancient Chinese science plays a fundamental role.
Fire is the main element of the kitchen
He determines the best location of the premises on the south side. To create an ideal, warm family hearth, its connection with the Tree, which symbolizes the east, allows. Therefore, this room can be located in the southeast.
The most unsuitable directions are north and west. Water floods the fire, the earth does not contribute to its flare-up, it can also extinguish the flame. If the kitchen is located in the north, quarrels are inevitable in the family, children study poorly due to reduced memory, diseases of the genitourinary system appear. The location of the room in the northwest will cause financial problems, respiratory diseases, children become aggressive.
Organization of the dining area
There are a few more rules regarding the layout of the house, room:
- if the door to the kitchen falls into the field of vision of people entering the house, they will have a desire to leave as soon as possible, but it attracts uninvited guests;
- The location of the kitchen opposite the front door contributes to the flow of personal happiness and well-being;
- Money will quickly leave the house if the kitchen is adjacent to the bathroom, toilet;
- Favorable location of the working area on the west side, windows on the east;
- In studios, kitchens, living rooms, quarrels, conflicts, disagreements are inevitable.
feng shui kitchen layout
It is not difficult to fulfill all these requirements for the owner of the future own house, choosing or ordering his project. It is much more difficult for apartment owners who do not have to choose the layout, the location of the rooms. If a radical restructuring is not possible, the recommendations of professional specialists will come in handy.
Options for eliminating violations in the placement of the kitchen
In apartments where it is not possible to change the location of the kitchen, move it to the southeast, eliminate the unfavorable neighborhood, you can use techniques that reduce the negative impact:
- In the kitchen, located in the north, you need to reduce the influence of the elements of water. For this, the participation of the tree is increased. You can use shades of green in the design, use plants, natural themes in the interior.
Green colors increase the participation of the tree
- The door located at the entrance, opposite the entrance, in the inspection area must be closed or decor should be used in the form of curtains from straw pendants, decorative threads, bamboo. Accents are also used to divert attention from the opening. In this capacity, you can use a picture, a poster, a flower in a tub.
- When the kitchen is adjacent to the bathroom, the bathroom needs to eliminate the leakage of finances. To do this, a wind chime, a crystal, is suspended above the entrance.
Music of the wind will eliminate the leakage of finances next to the bathroom
- The use of round containers for storing bulk products can reduce the Sha energy that destroys health, relationships, and well-being.
- Communication pipes must be decorated, plumbing needs to be repaired in a timely manner so that dripping water does not carry away wealth.
- In order to attract well-being, symbols of the harvest are placed in the interior of the kitchen. You can decorate it with natural or artificial bunches of pepper, onion, garlic.
A bunch of peppers to bring prosperity
These simple ways will help save positive energy, maintain well-being in the house, and eliminate health problems caused by violation of the laws of Feng Shui.
Priority colors for the kitchen according to Feng Shui
The science of Feng Shui assigns an important role to the kitchen in maintaining good family relations and well-being. In accordance with this purpose, interior shades and finishing materials are selected. The natural colors of the Feng Shui kitchen provide it with the opportunity to fully realize its positive function.
The priority position in the design is given to the green scale. These colors have a powerful positive impact on human psychology. Green tones calm and pacify. They eliminate overstrain, the hostess can work in such a kitchen for a long time without feeling tired. The colors of greenery will help create a comfortable atmosphere at family lunches and dinners, help you have a pleasant conversation, communicate warmly. In Feng Shui, it symbolizes development, health, wealth, which should also not be discounted. This range includes many shades, which allows you to choose the right options for a kitchen of any size.
Green color symbolizes development and wealth
If for some reason greens cannot be used as base colors, other options can be considered. The Feng Shui kitchen can be decorated in light yellow, brown colors. You can use the blue color of the sky, but it should not be predominant, as it will enhance the effect of water. Fire Orange is welcomed, white is widely used, symbolizing metal. This element balances the dispute between fire and water.
Feng shui kitchen in light yellow colors
It is undesirable to use gloomy and aggressive colors in the interior:
- Violet,
- black,
- Red,
- purple,
- Navy blue.
They can only be used to a limited extent to create accents. Otherwise, quarrels and conflicts will often arise in the family. Fans of extravagant solutions who install red, black, purple furniture in the kitchen should muffle the effect of these tones to the maximum, choose calm neutral colors for the ceiling, walls, and floor.
Slab placement rules
The main element of this room is fire, which is a family hearth. Therefore, the main piece of furniture can be considered a plate. The science of Feng Shui provides for strict requirements for its placement. This factor is considered to be fundamental. The positive influence of this room largely depends on it.
The plate is against the wall and directed to the center of the dwelling
When choosing a place to install a stove in a feng shui kitchen, you need to consider the following rules:
- The best cardinal points for the plate are southwest, south, northeast, the worst option is in the north;
- It is desirable to install the equipment against a wall directed to the center of the dwelling;
- If the oven door is directed to the front door of the house, bathroom, toilet, this will lead to poverty;
- A stove directed to the center of the house will ensure well-being;
- The worst neighbors for a stove are a refrigerator and a sink, they will provoke a conflict between water and fire;
- You can not place equipment under the window, this will lead to a leak of well-being.
The sink should not be next to the stove
It is important not only to install the stove correctly, but also to follow the rules of use. She must use all the burners. If you do not use them, turn them on periodically. This will help maintain well-being. Feng Shui believes that the more sources of fire, the better. You can increase the number of burners by hanging a mirror over the stove.
The best option are gas devices that create an open fire. The Chinese consider the microwave oven to be the worst appliance.
Furniture items in the kitchen
Feng Shui pays serious attention to furniture in the kitchen. The choice of these items is influenced by the size and layout of the room, the style of the interior, personal capabilities and wishes. But the rules of ancient science should also be taken into account if you want to ensure full compliance with the requirements of Feng Shui.
The main piece of furniture is the dining table. It is undesirable to use the standard rectangular option, the corners create obstacles for the Qi energy and have a negative impact. Ideally, the table should be made of natural wood, equipped with a round or oval top. Fashionable models with glass elements for the Feng Shui kitchen are not suitable. It is believed that food on a table with such a tabletop becomes useless, wealth leaves the house.
Natural wood table with round top
It is undesirable to put the table against the wall; this will adversely affect the well-being of the family. It should not stand in front of the bathroom. Each drain of water will take finances. Stools in the Feng Shui kitchen are not welcome. The best option are chairs equipped with high backs. This allows a person to feel comfortable while eating.
In this science, there are other rules for choosing and installing kitchen furniture:
- Only practical items with a specific purpose are used in the interior;
- the furnishings should include as many cabinets, tables with drawers as required to accommodate all utensils, appliances, and other items so that they do not remain on the countertops;
- Open shelves are not used, only models with doors.
Avoid open shelves
The modern furniture range provides an opportunity to easily choose furniture for the kitchen according to Feng Shui. The rules provided for her are not too strict, they will not become an obstacle in creating a cozy atmosphere. Before choosing a set, individual items, it is necessary to carefully calculate the required number of shelves, drawers, tables, so that each item has a practical application. This approach will also help to avoid unnecessary expenses.
Principles of arranging furniture in the kitchen
Qi energy needs to create good conditions for movement. When arranging furniture, you need to take into account that the room should have as much free space as possible.
You need to carefully study the rules of the Feng Shui kitchen regarding the location of zones and objects in them. This is an important condition for creating a favorable interior. The basic principles of creating a comfortable environment are as follows:
- The main triangle includes a stove, sink, refrigerator. They should be located at a distance of one and a half meters from each other. This not only prevents the struggle of the elements, but also creates ideal conditions for the hostess.
- The refrigerator and sink, belonging to the elements of water, should be separated from the stove by wooden objects. Usually these are kitchen tables with countertops made of this material. Since they house utensils, appliances, utensils, appliances, this arrangement is also comfortable for the cooking process.
The refrigerator is located away from the stove
- It is advisable to install a washing machine, dishwasher on the north, east or southeast side. These directions are suitable for and refrigerator. In order to ensure the well-being of the family, it must be regularly filled with fresh produce.
- Furniture corners should be rounded. It is undesirable to have open shelves. If they are in the headset, you can put cans with bulk products on them.
- There is no need to place hanging lockers in the dining area. They do not allow the eaters to feel comfortable.
Dining area without wall cabinets
Household appliances, organizers with cutlery are not installed on the tables. For all these items you need to find a place in the cabinets.
Examples of competent arrangement of furniture can be seen in the photo of kitchens according to Feng Shui. Professional designers offer many interesting solutions that can be used in decoration.
Kitchen lighting
Ancient Chinese science assures that negative Sha energy accumulates in dark, hard-to-reach areas, gradually comes out, causing many problems. Therefore, the lighting of the kitchen must be of high quality. The best source of well-being, happiness is sunlight. The window should provide its maximum flow. You should not use tulle in the design of the opening, especially if it is the north side. In extreme cases, you can use a light, almost transparent matter.
The main source of light in the kitchen is the window
Of course, natural light will not provide full illumination. Therefore, it is necessary to place a sufficient number of artificial light sources. The kitchen can be located:
- Ceiling pendant chandelier or lamp;
- Sconces in the dining area;
- Fluorescent or LED lighting in the working area, etc.
The Feng Shui kitchen should be well lit
The power of lighting devices depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Feng Shui recommends installing an odd number of lamps in the kitchen. There are no strict requirements for the design of lighting fixtures, you can focus on the overall design, the color of the kitchen according to Feng Shui, and personal taste. But it is undesirable to use models abounding in decor and decorations in the interior. In the range of lighting equipment you can find concise, beautiful products that fit perfectly into the design.
Feng shui indoor plants
Many housewives decorate their favorite room with indoor flowers. These interior elements are welcome in Feng Shui designs. Living plants have positive energy, they bring the element of earth into the interior. However, not all representatives of the flora can be used in a kitchen setting.
Chinese science divides all indoor plants into pets with male Yang and female Yin energy. Since the hostess is the main person in this room, flowers with Yin energy are used to decorate it. These plants are distinguished by a soft rounded shape of the leaves, delicate shades, which makes the kitchen even more comfortable and cozy.
Indoor plants bring an element of earth into the interior
The Yin category is quite extensive. Most often in kitchen interiors are used:
- Begonias,
- Violets,
- Cyclamens,
- Petunias.
A good option for this important room can be a money tree that will help ensure family financial well-being. It is worth putting a pot of geraniums on the window. This plant actively destroys negative energy, purifies the air. Suitable for the kitchen and chlorophytum, destroying microbes and negative energy.
Geranium destroys negative energy
The specific choice of colors for the Feng Shui kitchen depends on the preferences of the hostess. It can be plants in pots, hanging planters, outdoor tubs. The main thing is that they do not create obstacles to natural light, do not clutter up the space necessary for the movement of Qi energy.
Feng shui kitchen decor
It is impossible to create a comfortable, cozy interior without decor. Feng Shui also recommends its use. But you need to adhere to certain recommendations so as not to disturb the energy balance, to eliminate the conflict of the elements.
Despite the requirement to remove kitchens from the picture, these elements can still be used under certain conditions. Images can be used in the design:
- Fauna representatives;
- Berries, fruits, flowers;
- Lovers;
- Seas, rivers.
The best options, according to Feng Shui, are paintings with a green background, on which an elephant, a three-toed toad or a turtle flaunts. These are talismans that bring prosperity, prosperity.
An aquarium will bring peace to the atmosphere
In the spacious kitchen, you can put an aquarium, it will bring peace and tranquility to the atmosphere. The shape of the container can be rectangular, round. The number of inhabitants of the aquarium must be odd.
Curtains are an important element of any interior. Materials are selected taking into account the color of the kitchen according to Feng Shui. The opening is decorated with curtains made of thick fabrics. In the daytime, they should be moved apart so that sunlight can freely pass into the room. With the onset of dusk, the curtains must be closed. Feng Shui believes that darkness from the street can bring misfortune, failure.
At nightfall, the curtains in the kitchen must be closed.
Benefits of feng shui kitchens
Not everyone decides to design a kitchen interior according to the principles of Feng Shui. Many believe that this science has too many strict rules and restrictions, do not consider the interior to be a fundamental condition for good luck and prosperity. In the ability of Feng Shui cuisine to provide an excellent atmosphere in the family, to bring prosperity and health, you can believe or not believe. This is a personal matter for everyone. Although you can find on the Internet a lot of evidence of the effectiveness of the science of feng shui. A significant proof of its unlimited possibilities is the persistence of popularity, despite a history that includes several millennia.
But even if you omit the mystical qualities, in the kitchen, designed according to the rules of Feng Shui, you can find many attractive factors. These interiors:
- are characterized by maximum ergonomics;
- guarantee a comfortable, healthy atmosphere;
- match the fashion trends.
Feng Shui kitchen will give the family a great atmosphere
The optimal arrangement of objects, large free space provide ease of movement. The hostess has to make a minimum of movements in the process of cooking, since everything you need is at hand.
Maintaining cleanliness, storing all items in closed cabinets, eliminates the multiplication of pathogens. At the same time, the cleaning process does not take much time, since each item has its own place, countertops are always free.
Keeping all items in closed cabinets reduces cleaning time
There is no need to discount the attractiveness of such designs. In the photo of Feng Shui kitchens, you can find a lot of original, interesting design solutions. It is possible to find a project for any room.