7 Tips for a Sustainable Kitchen

Sustainable Kitchen

Sustainability in the kitchen is a topic that is becoming increasingly important. Because it is probably the most important room in your own four walls to handle natural resources carefully. This sustainable way of life benefits not only your own wallet, but also the environment and future generations. In the kitchen, a lot of water and electricity can be saved. In addition, it is possible to furnish the kitchen sustainably and cook in it sustainably – here you can read what the sustainable kitchen looks like.

Tip 1: Choose kitchen furniture from sustainable materials

More sustainability in the kitchen starts with the planning. This makes it possible to prefer kitchen furniture made of high-quality local woods or from environmentally friendly forestry. These materials are much more sustainable because they have a lower CO2 footprint in terms of production and transport. Tropical woods, on the other hand, look particularly elegant, but often come from the rainforest, which is aggressively cut down.

Sustainably produced kitchen furniture usually has a rather high cost, as it is manufactured and processed individually. But more and more well-known kitchen manufacturers are offering affordable furniture for sustainable kitchens. It is also important that the surface finishing of the wood is done without solvents and pollutants – this is important both for the indoor climate and for the environment during subsequent recycling.

Tip: Pay attention to the FSC seal in order to recognize sustainably produced kitchen furniture. This seal stands for sustainable forestry, which conserves resources and pollutes the environment as little as possible.

Tip 2: Prefer electrical appliances with high energy efficiency

Many kitchen appliances are energy guzzlers, which drives up both their own electricity bills and the general demand for electricity. Therefore, it is in the interest of sustainable cooking to focus on higher energy efficiency for kitchen appliances. This applies to large appliances such as the refrigerator or the oven as well as to smaller appliances such as the blender and toaster.

Ideally, kitchen appliances have efficiency class A+++. Also A++, A+ and B are a good choice. All of them attest to the high energy efficiency of the device. Although they are more expensive to purchase, they quickly lead to significant savings and pay for themselves.

In addition, it is also necessary to take into account the entire life cycle of kitchen appliances. Ask yourself whether the respective device is made of environmentally friendly materials, whether it can be recycled and also whether you use the device frequently at all. Because an ice cream maker, a deep fryer or a bread maker are not used so often in practice. It is worth renting such devices instead or sharing them with friends and family, for example.

Tip 3: Look for sustainably produced utensils

The utensils in the sustainable kitchen should also be produced sustainably. High-quality cooking spoons, tupper cans and pots not only last longer, but also contain less petroleum-based materials such as plastic, which is important for protecting the environment.

Rely on kitchen helpers and containers made of fast-growing raw materials such as bamboo. Containers made of glass are also a good choice, as they last a very long time. Beeswax wipes are also a good option for keeping food fresh in an environmentally friendly way.

And: the decoration of the kitchen can also be made sustainable with a little creativity. Bet on edible plants, flower wreaths or a self-grown avocado tree.

Tip 4: Saving electricity and water

There is a high consumption of water and electricity in the kitchen. The electricity can be reduced by energy-efficient appliances, well-placed cooking pots and pans as well as an economical use of the oven. Instead of turning the stove on and off again and again, it is often worthwhile to cook several dishes at once.

When washing dishes and especially in the dishwasher, the following applies: do not let the water run until there are a lot of dishes. Pre-rinsing is not necessary and the dishwasher should be completely full when it is running. And: do not let the water run while you rinse individual plates by hand, but take breaks. The sustainable cuisine thus also supports deceleration.

Tip 5: Store food correctly

A sustainable kitchen is also characterized by the correct storage and use of food. Therefore, deal with the organization of food in the refrigerator and pantry. Many foods do not need to be refrigerated, which is particularly environmentally friendly. Stack the products as space-saving as possible and make sure to use them up in time. A cool, dry and dark storage option is ideal for most foods.

Think about how you can achieve more sustainability in the kitchen when cooking. For example, by growing herbs yourself, creating a compost with worms, cooking fresh and storing larger portions for several days, you will save a lot of resources and packaging waste. In addition, they eat healthier.

Tip 6: Avoid garbage and separate it correctly

The garbage created in the kitchen should be properly separated. Therefore, take a look at the various recycling offers. This is the only way to ensure that the recyclable raw materials can be recycled in an ecologically sensible way. Residual waste is still mostly incinerated, which is why it is important to minimize it. Organic waste, metals, plastics, glass and paper, on the other hand, can almost always be recycled.

A sustainable kitchen should facilitate the separation of waste. Create practical waste containers that offer separate areas for the different types of waste and are easy to use. Compost can be stored excellently in the garden or on the balcony and used there directly as fertilizer – the perfect cycle.

Recommendation: Discuss with your family how to reduce waste in the kitchen. For example, take storage cans and cotton bags with you to go shopping, shop at the weekly market or choose bulk packs.

Tip 7: Properly cleaning the sustainable kitchen

There are also many ways to integrate more sustainability into everyday life when cleaning the kitchen. Meanwhile, in most supermarkets there are sustainable cleaning agents that are ecological and degradable and have almost the same price as conventional cleaning agents.

In addition, it is worth using home remedies for cleaning. Citric acid, vinegar and baking soda are usually just as effective as conventional cleansers, but cost significantly less and do not pollute the environment or your own skin.

By the way: Dishwashing liquid and dishwasher tabs are now available in an ecological version with refillable packaging. Also pay attention to an environmentally friendly sponge and a dishwashing brush made from renewable raw materials such as bamboo.

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