The Best Ideas on How to Decorate Kitchen Interior in 2022

best ideas on how to decorate kitchen interior in 2022

Housewives often spend half of their daytime in the kitchen. Therefore, it is important that this place is not only functional, but also attractive. Today, there are no restrictions on the design. On the contrary, creativity, fresh ideas of unusual style combinations are always welcome. But still, in each season there are certain kitchen trends that designers are adopting in 2022. Let’s tell you more about them.

New kitchen trends of 2022

The following directions will be relevant in the upcoming season.

1. Restraint and simplicitybest ideas on how to decorate kitchen interior in 2022

This trend became the main reference point for clothing designers, makeup artists, hairdressers, stylists a couple of years ago. It has appeared in interior design recently, but we can say with confidence that it will remain for a long time. No massive furniture, flashy accessories and complex shapes.

2. Environmental friendlinessbest ideas on how to decorate kitchen interior in 2022

The idea of returning to nature, using natural materials, owes its appearance to the rhythm of life that has developed in the metropolis. In the endless hustle and bustle and rush, you want a quiet haven, which is what the kitchen becomes.

3. Light warm colorsbest ideas on how to decorate kitchen interior in 2022

Beige, white, light cream, brown, black, gray palette remains at the peak of popularity.

4. Glass facadesbest ideas on how to decorate kitchen interior in 2022

In some styles, for example, high-tech, glass is an integral attribute. But now its application has gone far beyond any one direction.

5. Matt surfacesbest ideas on how to decorate kitchen interior in 2022

Most of the current trends in the world of interior design are developing along the path of practicality. On matte facades, stains are not visible as on the glossy side, but it is, of course, much more difficult to wash off the dirt. A combination of matte and glossy headset elements is considered optimal.

6. Bar counterbest ideas on how to decorate kitchen interior in 2022

Now this item has ceased to be an exclusive attribute of a bar or cafe. Due to its compactness and practicality, it has migrated to modern kitchens,  even to small ones.

All modern ideas can be universal for large rooms (20 sq.m. and more), but some are completely unsuitable for most kitchens in apartments of 7-18 sq.m. In addition to squaring, when choosing a headset, you need to take into account other nuances: layout, illumination, materials, general style of the room.

Convenient kitchen layout 2022

Depending on the area and layout, the kitchen unit can be placed in several ways.

1. Cornerbest ideas on how to decorate kitchen interior in 2022

This is the best option for a small square room up to 10 sq.m. The corner arrangement is convenient in terms of functionality and saves space. But for large and narrow kitchens, this option is not the best one.

2. Linear

This is a work surface located in one row. This arrangement is suitable for narrow rooms where the possibility of installing a corner set is limited due to a window on the wall opposite from the entrance.

3. Double rowbest ideas on how to decorate kitchen interior in 2022

The arrangement of the work surface in two rows parallel to each other is suitable for spacious rooms over 12 sq.m. For a large family with several housewives, this option is convenient, because several people can be in the kitchen at once and not interfere with each other. For the dining table, in this case, it is more difficult to find a place. It is best to provide a separate arrangement of the dining room and work area in advance.

4. U-shapedbest ideas on how to decorate kitchen interior in 2022

This way of placing the headset is not suitable for a small room up to 12 sq.m. In this case, the placement of the dining area can be in one of the corners, or in the middle, if squaring allows.

Popular Kitchen Styles 2022

  • The design of the kitchen set should be in harmony with the overall stylistic design of the room. Among the relevant today:
  • minimalism;
  • modern;
  • high tech;
  • loft;
  • provence.

best ideas on how to decorate kitchen interior in 2022For minimalism, modern design trends come in handy. This is simplicity and clarity of forms, the minimum number of decorative elements, the absence of complex, fanciful accessories. The colors are calm, monochrome. The main goal is maximum free space. Multifunctional furniture and built-in appliances serve to achieve this goal.

best ideas on how to decorate kitchen interior in 2022Modern will also delight those who love restraint in details, but are not used to monochrome. The use of bright colors is permitted and even encouraged. There are no ruffles, intricate patterns, complex shapes in the decor. Roller blinds, blinds, simple curtains without a pattern and frills are suitable for the windows.

best ideas on how to decorate kitchen interior in 2022High-tech will suit all lovers of metal, chrome parts and glass in the interior. Ideal proportions, clear, geometric shapes, ultra-modern built-in appliances, not so diverse colors are the main components of this style.

best ideas on how to decorate kitchen interior in 2022

The loft fascinates people with non-standard, creative thinking. The combination of rough finishes and modern technology and materials looks harmonious. This is the most suitable style, where you can not be afraid to combine seemingly incongruous. This design looks best in studio apartments, as it was originally intended. The main condition is the use of natural materials (wood, stone, brick, concrete, etc.).

best ideas on how to decorate kitchen interior in 2022

Provence remains popular with lovers of home comfort. Antique furniture and decor elements, use of only natural materials create a special warm atmosphere. In such an environment, you can quickly escape from everyday worries. Provence resembles a country, rustic style, so it allows you to feel at one with nature, quickly relax and relieve stress.

In fact, the choice of style is also important psychologically. For temperamental, active and ultra-modern young people, minimalism, hi-tech, loft will be the most successful. Modern and Provence are more familiar to older people or to calm, romantic natures.


Furniture from natural wood will meet modern trends. But its cost is quite high. In addition, it is very massive and will be bulky in a small room. Alternative could be:

  • Chipboard. The cheapest option, but also the least durable. Despite the quality, it quickly deteriorates from high humidity.
  • MDF. More refined material. The special composition of the protective coating improves moisture-resistant properties and extends the service life. MDF is also rich in color choices.

Kitchen Colors 2022

As noted above, modern trends in interior design recommend mainly basic colors and their shades: white, black, brown, gray. Bright elements are possible, but with certain conditions.

For small rooms, light colors and monochrome are the key to successful space optimization. But if the side is not sunny, then you should avoid cold shades (blue, blue, gray). Give preference to pastel peach, lilac, pale yellow.

In a medium to large kitchen, you can experiment with color combinations. Try painting opposite walls in contrasting colors or shades that are similar in color.

The main condition in choosing a palette is a combination with the chosen design. Minimalism, hi-tech and loft welcome cold, basic tones. Modern and Provence allow warmth and moderate brightness.

Kitchen Lighting and decor

In styles such as minimalism, modern and high-tech, the main decoration is an unusual LED backlight. A chrome figurine, roller curtains, geometric flower pots can be used as a decor.

Loft-style luminaires are reminiscent of industrial lanterns. Lamps without shades would be appropriate. The decor is the texture of the walls (brickwork, decorative plaster), stone pots for home plants, ceramic vases, candlesticks.

Provence is characterized by lamps in lampshades, floor lamps, chandeliers with a pattern. Clay flower pots, tea and coffee sets, patterned vases, textiles (curtains with ruffles, pillows with embroidery) will help to decorate the interior.

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