Provence Wallpaper for Kitchen Decor Trends

Provence Wallpaper Kitchen Decorating Trends 2021

Not only in the interior of the bedroom you need to consider different details. The kitchen room also needs to be adjusted and beautifully decorated, because this is the place where we gather for breakfast, dinner, family council or birthday.

Wallpaper for the kitchen in the style of Provence

Carrying out repairs in the kitchen, I thought for a long time what wallpaper to glue the kitchen, in what style to choose a set. For my small kitchen, it was necessary to use a design that increased space, and I began to make out a lot of options. I was very interested in Provence-style wallpapers, and I decided to specifically consider what photowall-paper and washable vinyl trellis are.

Calm and measured ProvenceProvence Wallpaper Kitchen Decorating Trends 2021

Just want to say that Provence is characterized by calm motives and measured. He hails from the south-east of France, where poise and calm conquer chaos and vanity. The use of delicate shades of Provence in the interior will make any space more measured and comfortable. A beautifully designed kitchen will entice you to spend more time on it, and a living room decorated with this theme will allow you to calm down and relax after a hard day.

For those who have not yet learned to understand this style, I have prepared several distinctive signs that the wallpaper carries Provence:

  • All color schemes in this style should be exclusively pastel – everything that is connected with simplicity and rustic motifs can safely be called “Provence”. A green lawn with wildflowers, together in a beautiful blue sky, or a sandy beach and a blue sky, cute and simple patterns – all this shouts about calm and balance
  • Provence is a floral pattern. Small wildflowers beautifully curly against the general background of wallpaper, the image of porcelain objects. Typically, the interior of a small kitchen is dominated by images of kitchen sets, animals or bead geometry. Green cuisine will blend perfectly with floral motifs

However, before you stick the wallpaper in the kitchen, you need to choose their type. Someone will need options that increase the space – this is necessary for a small kitchen, someone will like photo wallpaper. And most importantly, it will be important for everyone to use washable wallpapers, which means the use of ordinary paper is no longer acceptable here. After I chose what style I will use the trellis, it remains to find out what vinyl linens are and how to combine wallpapers in the kitchen and in the interior, where other types of decorative finishes are used.

The most popular types of wallpaperProvence Wallpaper Kitchen Decorating Trends 2021

Since the kitchen is notable for its high traffic and increased operation, only high-quality and durable wallpapers should be used for it. It doesn’t matter in what style you will decorate the kitchen: Provence, classic, baroque, or even try something new and your own in the interior – the materials should be wear-resistant and washable.

Vinyl wallpapers can not only beautifully design the space of a small kitchen, it will be possible to wash the walls with them after they become dirty, thereby returning the room to its previous ideal look. Vinyl wallpapers have a lot of advantages, which make them the most advantageous for use in the kitchen:

  1. Strength – due to its resistance to mechanical damage, wallpaper is hard to scratch, even if it is done intentionally. They are moisture resistant and are not afraid of grease and dirt.
  2. Washable – to wash the trellises after their contamination is not difficult. Wet cleaning with a soap solution can be carried out daily, the main thing is not to overdo it
  3. In addition to the impeccable appearance in the interior of the entire room, vinyl wallpapers are environmentally friendly and safe for others.
  4. Ease of use – sticking wallpaper in the kitchen using this type is very simple, because vinyl paintings are two-layer and almost always have a relief pattern. So, perfect preparation of the foundation is not required and small flaws in the walls are quite acceptable

Unfortunately, all materials have some drawbacks, and vinyl canvases are no exception. Despite the fact that their washing abilities played a huge advantage, they have such disadvantages:

  • Poor vapor permeability – using cheap vinyl wallpapers in a small kitchen, you will not maintain a favorable microclimate in the room. It is always worthwhile to use only high-quality materials that, although to a lesser extent, possess such qualities
  • In an interior where such cloths will be used it is necessary to carry out pasting butt. Since the wallpaper is very dense, the lap technique is completely unsuitable for them, which means that with poor-quality leveling of the surface before finishing, voids may form between the seams

Wall murals are used in room designs not only because of their beauty and ease of application, but also in order to visually increase the space of a small kitchen or bedroom. In order to create a mural, only high-quality printing is used, and I can list such advantages of the material:

  1. Caring for them is very simple – washable photo wallpaper can be used indoors, as there the level of pollution is always higher. Due to this property, the canvases quickly return to their original form.
  2. Wall murals do not fade – this is a wonderful property, because thanks to this the interior retains its impeccable appearance for a long time
  3. They have properties that increase the space – in addition, using materials in the Provence style, you not only beautifully finish the walls of the kitchen, but forget about new repairs for a long time

Washable photomurals do not have disadvantages, since their practicality and durability bring the paintings to a leading position among the finishing materials.

Color tipsProvence Wallpaper Kitchen Decorating Trends 2021

In order to visually make the space larger, you need to choose the right patterns and colors of the material. Remember that all colors should be light and delicate. Using panoramic murals, you should carefully select the paintings you like, because they have a huge impact on the mood of a person. In a well-lit room, colder colors should be used, but the acquisition of wallpaper with bright panoramic images, although they will make the room more comfortable, does not expand the space at all.

For small rooms, it’s great to use not only Provence-style murals, but also canvases that have a horizon line. In the interior, such wallpapers always look advantageous. To increase the width, or the height of the room, you can use stripes. Based on the wishes, it can be either horizontal or vertical.

Important! Green kitchen always looks very harmonious and attractive only if well-chosen shades and elements. For the room it is necessary to choose one color taken as a basis, and all other details should already be used as derivatives of the main shade.

Using green colors in the style of the kitchen, they can be combined with a coffee note, or wenge color. In order to create a cozy room it is not necessary to order a kitchen set in green. It is enough that it can be combined with the green color of the apron, walls or decorative elements. Do not forget that there are two types of wallpaper: washable and moisture resistant. And if washers are allowed to wash with soap and water, then the latter are only resistant to unintentional ingress of water. When choosing paintings, pay attention to the cullet for the kitchen – they are excellent options for finishing various rooms.

Wallpapers, tiles, curtains and accessories

Being distinctive and unlike any of the other styles, Provence literally captivates with its French grace and at the same time rustic simplicity, romanticism and naivety.

Rough and, one might even say, carelessly finished walls and ceiling, an abundance of floral patterns, simple and functional furniture with light facades, natural materials of decoration – all this forms a style that evokes strong associations with the village houses of Provence and its unforgettable landscapes.

For residents of busy cities, the Provencal style will be a real breath of fresh air, a luxurious oasis in the middle of a stone desert. In country houses, the Provence style will be in perfect harmony with the natural landscape.

You can decorate in this style literally any room, from the entrance hall to the living room. But still, most often you can find Provence in the interior of the kitchen. As a result, the kitchen is cozy, bright and cheerful.

A small kitchen in the Provence style – choose a color scheme

Earlier we said that Provencal interiors are characterized by an abundance of light. Therefore, as you understand, it is inappropriate to use dark colors here. Make your choice in favor of beige, olive, sand, lavender, mustard and similar flowers and their shades. Moreover, they can be used both for decorating walls and for decorating ceilings, floors, and even furniture facades. Such a solution not only fills the kitchen with light, but also makes it visually larger, so even a small kitchen in the Provence style will look quite decent.

However, it should be noted that you can still depart a little from the generally accepted color concept. For example, if you are a creative and vibrant person who loves no less bright colors, then the walls or facades of furniture can be decorated in a more fun manner.

And furniture, instead of merging with the surrounding interior, sometimes quite successfully plays the role of an accent. It is enough to prefer some darker color, for example, brown, to the light shade.

How to turn the decoration of the kitchen decor in the Provence style

Thinking over the design of a kitchen in the Provence style, it is important to understand how versatile it can be. Due to the diversity of its incarnations, this style has become a favorite among tens of thousands of designers around the world. But let’s get to the point.

In the classic Provence, also called French country, the walls have a rough and inexpressive texture. It is very important that the impression is made that the coating was applied carelessly, without special care, because this is exactly what happens most often in village houses. Ideal options for achieving this goal would be regular plastering followed by whitewashing, or wood paneling and painting. Take a look at how such kitchens in Provence look in the photo:

Wallpaper or tiles for the kitchen of Provence?

If for some reason you did not like the stucco and wood, then you can stop your choice on ordinary wallpaper. More precisely, it will be the usual embossed wallpaper for the kitchen of Provence with floral patterns, which in some areas will be diluted with tiles or stone. Most often, such zones are equipped at the sink or at the stove.

The ceiling, like the walls, is finished with stucco in light shades. At the same time, wooden beams installed directly under the ceiling and painted white or brown can be used as additional elements. Such a wooden frame is one of the hallmarks of Provence, which will emphasize the grace and elegance of the interior of your kitchen.

As for the flooring, the tiles for the kitchen of Provence, as well as wooden boards are the two most common solutions. Common, but from this no less beautiful and also technologically advanced. There is nothing special to say about the tree. So it’s clear that wood is one of the fundamental materials of any Provencal interior. We were convinced of this by considering the options for wall decoration, discussing beams under the ceiling, and once again we will see when we get to the furniture and windows. The tree in the kitchen is provence in abundance, and on the floor it looks simply gorgeous, especially if it has its own natural brown color.

Speaking about the tile, it is first possible to distinguish not its aesthetic qualities, although they are at a fairly high level, but operational. The fact is that no matter what style the kitchen is decorated, it still remains a kitchen, with its inherent aggressive atmosphere. Constant spray from the pan, constantly increased humidity due to the cooking food – all this can not but have a detrimental effect on the surrounding materials. And the tile copes with these tests perfectly! Therefore, it is successfully used in almost all styles, including the primordially rustic provence. Tiles for kitchen Provence are painted in tone to the rest of the room. That is, it should be in harmony with the walls, ceiling and furniture.

Furniture for the interior of the kitchen in the Provence style

The main requirement for Provencal furniture is natural materials. Of course, it is mainly a tree. As a last resort, if you cannot afford pure wooden furniture, pay attention to materials imitating wood. The color scheme of furniture can be different. In classical Provence, these are light shades, similar to the general color mood of the kitchen, but if you move a little away from the classics, the colors may darken, and the external lightness of the designs will be lost. In this case, a certain massiveness is acquired, which to some extent dilutes the outwardly very light and light design of the kitchen, giving it a hint of seriousness. Forged elements look pretty cool in combination with wooden furniture. It can be legs from chairs or a table, candlesticks, etc.

Provencal furniture, in addition to its excellent appearance, boasts functionality. In bedside tables there are always a lot of drawers, in hanging cabinets – an abundance of shelves, in the sink – built-in mixer, etc. That is, the Provence style is not only light, not only lightness and freedom, but also convenience. Work in such a kitchen brings real, genuine pleasure.

Another characteristic feature of furniture is its openness. Try to avoid doors and closed facades. The dishes, for example, are in plain sight, on the wall shelves are all kinds of trinkets, pots, jars with spices, etc.

In general, open kitchen utensils by themselves can become a full-fledged element of the interior. A similar Provence style kitchen decor only accentuates its openness and lightness. Of course, placing all this in plain sight is quite difficult, but the end result is definitely worth the effort.

In addition, the Provence style kitchen interior has a very positive attitude towards worn surfaces. Therefore, if your furniture will have a slightly aged appearance, then this will only play in the kitchen for the benefit. Today, dozens of manufacturers deliberately artificially age the facades of manufactured furniture, so there should be no problems with the choice.

Kitchen Accessories Provence

Kitchen accessories Provence are literally of colossal importance. Without them, it is generally impossible to imagine this style. Little things form the Provencal interior, they emphasize its grace and simplicity, are its highlight. Moreover, you can use as accessories almost anything your heart desires. This includes copper forged shelves, painted pots and vases, wicker baskets, wall clocks, bags with a variety of fragrant spices, etc.

Of particular importance in the Provencal interiors is flowers, both living and those depicted in paintings and engraved on vases. Place flower pots on the windowsills, on the tables, hang a couple of pictures with images of flower fields, buy dishes with floral ornaments. The Provence style kitchen should be full of greens, like a province of the same name on the southern shores of France.

Solving a Lighting Problem

Provence style in the interior of the kitchen involves an abundance of light, and light, as close to natural as possible. Therefore, first of all, attention is paid to the only sources of natural light – windows. An ideal window for a French interior would be a structure starting from the floor and ending under the ceiling. This is really France. However, given the fact that not everyone decides on the equipment of such a window, and even if it is decided, it is not the fact that it will be possible to install it, the standard plastic window crate will also work. At the same time, it is desirable that the plastic imitate wood, so as not to get out of the general style.

Curtains for kitchen Provence

Curtains for the Provence kitchen are selected light, bright and as transparent as possible. Dense and heavy curtains simply do not combine with this style, so you should immediately abandon them. Unless if you can find curtains made of dense, but at the same time very light fabric with some checkered pattern. Although it is better to prefer light curtains, or completely abandon them. Let nothing interfere with the light penetrate into the room!

Chandelier in the kitchen in the style of Provence

Now let’s talk about artificial lighting. Again, it should imitate the natural to the maximum extent. The soft light emanating from the chandelier is evenly distributed throughout the kitchen, looking into every corner of it and not ignoring a single click. There should not be dark corners. Watch this carefully. Maybe somewhere you need to add a spotlight. In extreme cases, this step is allowed (working areas are not an extreme case – here the lamps will be in place). But, of course, for a Provence-style kitchen, the chandelier will be much more preferable. Rough, in some places uncouth, but from this no less graceful and beautiful chandelier hanging in the center of the room – this is really beautiful. And if it is still framed by forged bars imitating climbing plants, then it will be very, very difficult to take your eyes off it.

Tips for finishing work on the design of a kitchen in the Provence style

The style of Provence, which came to us from France, in a matter of years gained crazy popularity among all segments of the population. Today you can bring Provencal charm to any house, any apartment, any room, regardless of its specifics and dimensions. Another thing is that, for example, a small kitchen in the Provence style is designed with much greater difficulties than a spacious kitchen, but in the end, the desired result can be achieved in a small room. Relevance, lightness, beauty and functionality – these words perfectly characterize the Provencal interior, which will become a real decoration for any home. Look again at the beautiful Provence-style kitchens in the photo, so to speak.

The only thing I would like to note is the need for regular cleaning of such a kitchen. Not only are all the colors mostly light shades, so many things are still in the public domain, collecting dust on themselves. Yes, and the importance of careful and proper care of the wood is once again not necessary. In general, keep an eye on the interior, look after it and cherish it, and then for many years it will delight the eye with its pristine beauty. Good luck with your repair!

Wallpaper for the kitchen in different styles: Provence, modern, country

To proceed with the repair of your kitchen, it is important to determine the style of the room. It should look favorably with the rest of the rooms of the dwelling. For example, when your choice fell on the Art Nouveau style, such a kitchen will not be combined with rooms with a classic interior.

In addition, the rest of the items and furniture in the kitchen should look harmonious with the style. Moreover, this combination should be observed between the floor, walls, furniture and even household appliances.

Provence CanvasProvence Wallpaper Kitchen Decorating Trends 2021

Finishing material in the form of wallpaper in the style of Provence for the design of the kitchen use two types – based on paper or textile. The following images may be applied to their surface:

  • kitchen items: cups, teapot, forks, spoons;
  • rural houses;
  • animals;
  • flowers – most often these are field plants;
  • checkered ornament – wallpaper in the style of Provence contains a medium-sized cell in gentle, calm colors;
  • bead geometry.

Cloths in the Provence style are a unity of rural customs, flower arrangements and a small cell. With this combination, the interior of your kitchen will be filled with warmth, coziness and comfort.

Types of paintings provenceProvence Wallpaper Kitchen Decorating Trends 2021

Provence implies something spiritual. For this reason, the use of coarse textured paintings is excluded. In the kitchen, you can use the following options of Provence paintings:

  1. Cellulose. This finishing material is made on the basis of paper. The main advantages of provence pulp sheets are their low cost and a wide range. The disadvantages include the ability to burn out in direct contact with sunlight, absorb odors, can not be restored in the event of contamination. For a kitchen made in this style, it is necessary to use two-layer paper wallpapers, during the manufacture of which a moisture-resistant impregnation was provided. Nevertheless, everyone should understand that this option is temporary.
  2. Relief paintings provence for painting. This finishing material looks very beautiful, as stylish painting flaunts on its surface.
  3. Non-woven fabrics. The characteristic features of this material are quality, beauty and durability. Flizelin is not amenable to moisture, shrinkage under the influence of high temperature conditions. Such material can be safely used to finish the area where the sink or stove is mounted. For the kitchen, it is necessary to use washing non-woven wallpaper in the style of Provence. Such canvases will last a very long time, and care for them is negligible.
  4. Vinyl decorative materials with relief on the surface. The main advantages of the material are moisture resistance, strength and low cost. Presented wallpaper features are just a godsend for the kitchen. Vinyl canvases very accurately imitate any composition. The style of Provence assigned to vinyl coverings will simply delight the imagination. This is an economical option with a long service life.

Wallpaper in Provence style looks very organically with such a coating:

  • glazed brick;
  • multi-colored mosaic;
  • white tile.

The color scheme of paintings

Natural color, slightly muffled tone of Provence is always required to go in combination with juicy and bright colors. It is only thanks to the bright numerous colors on the wall that it is possible to convey that warmth of home comfort of rural life.

Art Nouveau decorationProvence Wallpaper Kitchen Decorating Trends 2021

In the process of creating a kitchen interior, not every type of cloth is acceptable. Cloths for rooms in the Art Nouveau style are used on the basis of fiberglass, but non-woven ones are better defined in the living room. For the kitchen, do not use paper, as well as a vinyl-based coating.

Art Nouveau wallpaper can have a color scheme, which develops in two directions. The most popular are natural, soft shades with delicate colors. Most often, a matte finish with slight inclusions of white is used. It seems as if someone had sprinkled ash on the wallpaper or they were covered with hoarfrost.

The second direction is suitable for the Art Nouveau kitchen, if its furniture is made of lacquered wood in dark color. In this case, the Art Nouveau wallpaper contains an ash gray color and slight shades of red.

When choosing the color scheme of modern paintings, it is impossible to achieve the desired effect without observing a number of rules. Firstly, you need to choose a background color. After that, determine the most active color fragments of the decor. At the end, select textures, colors of small details and eyeliner. A very important role is assigned to the angle and saturation of the fall of the sun’s rays.

It is the dominant foundation that sets the mood and the tendency to form a common color palette of Art Nouveau paintings, as well as the entire kitchen. The background should be as light as possible. But at the same time, it is unacceptable to use completely white canvases. For this, non-woven wallpaper used for further staining is better suited.

For wallpaper, made in bright colors, one feature remains characteristic – to increase the space. This is especially noticeable when the finishing material on the walls will change from bottom to top, where there will be a clear transition from dark to light. In addition, you can enhance the effect created using the selected backlight.

Art Nouveau style is originally a variety of shades of light. If you use modern wallpaper to create the interior of your kitchen, then even the most plain and small room can be turned into a bright, comfortable and visually large. In this case, this pattern is observed: the warmer the general background, the easier it will pour in a set of natural wood, forged details of the decor.

Country Style Wallpaper

Country is a rural style that hails from the USA, but today it has acquired an international character. Today, every day lived through is filled with various movements filled with something unexpected, country is once again gaining its former relevance. This style personifies cosiness, free life, solitude with nature. Country-style wallpapers allow you to create a unique kitchen interior.

When choosing a country wallpaper, you need to consider that this style is characterized by its simple. For him, ostentatious pretentiousness is unusual, it is natural in nature. It is not necessary to arrange the kitchen in an uncouth manner. Today’s country style is sophistication and sophistication.

It is perfectly adapted to modern life and the desires of people who have lived their whole lives in a big metropolis and are not familiar with the culture of rural life. Kitchen wallpapers made in country style should have soft, calm shades. They will be beneficial to emphasize this style and not rush in the eyes. Therefore, decorating your kitchen, in this way, is for those who do not like excessive pomposity and catchiness.

A great option for the kitchen will be a country wallpaper with a pattern for natural materials. This may include stone, wood. The kitchen should be decorated with wooden furniture to the tone of the paintings. As for the floor, it should be framed with open decorative beams made of wood. It is recommended to execute a floor, using a stone, a tile.

For those who firmly decided to design a country-style kitchen using wallpaper, you need to understand that your room will become personalized. Presented wallpapers may contain images of animals. Very often a rooster is present on such material. It is his scallop that is compared with red. Such wallpapers will be perfectly combined with the style of the entire kitchen, made in the style of country. A red background in the kitchen encourages digestion and induces food intake. Therefore, applying it in the kitchen is the most.

When choosing wallpaper on a rustic theme, it is necessary that they have a slightly worn out appearance, but at the same time, this does not deprive them of their cosiness and beauty. Canvases with a cage and floral patterns will look great. As a complement to the wallpaper, you can use your home photos, arrange souvenirs and books on free shelves. Thanks to this option, you can create an atmosphere of comfort.

All presented types of wallpaper are perfect for creating an interior kitchen. Each of you must independently determine which option suits him personally. Here it is worth taking into account not only furniture, household appliances, but also the size of the room, lighting and location.

Photo in the interior, for the walls of the kitchen, bedroom and living room, in flower, a collection of country and provence, children’s companions, in the hallway

Provence is a style that embodies homely warmth and coziness, whose roots go back to the distant past of the French province of Provence, located in the south-east of France, many associate with natural beauty, a measured way of life and an inspirational beginning. Still, lavender Provence valleys have been captured for centuries by the brush of Van Gogh and Cezanne. But Provence is now written not only with a capital letter, and in this case, Provence is an interior style that is very fashionable today.

Provence style in the interior: fashion trendsProvence Wallpaper Kitchen Decorating Trends 2021

Before choosing a wallpaper, see if the aesthetics of the Provencal style really prevail in your home or, if you just started to transform the house, in which direction you are moving.

Provencal style is:

  • Background bed tones;
  • Attraction to a flower print;
  • Many decorative trinkets made of porcelain and textiles;
  • Light curtains;
  • Plenty of sunshine;
  • Simple in design, but very decorated furniture.

If you start transforming your home into a Provencal style with wall decoration, 50% of the work will already be done

Provence style is sometimes confused with country style. And you can confuse, of course, these styles are consonant, because there is one beginning in them – worship of a calm, measured, rustic way of life. Considering that the lifestyle of the western village follows the standard, it is assumed that the house is not the smallest, and the family can afford such an abundance of decor and style unity.

Wallpaper Provence for the living room: transform the interiorProvence Wallpaper Kitchen Decorating Trends 2021

The living room should always be decorated, relatively speaking, a little more elegant. In this case, no pomposity, dynamism, sensation of the throne room. On the contrary, the living room also emphasizes the measured mode of life of the owners, but at the same time it should be conducive to receiving guests, gathering a large number of people in one space.

Since the living room is usually the focus of furniture and other elements such as a fireplace, the wallpaper should only set off this union.

One of the main components of a cozy living room interior is wallpaper. Their main task is to reflect the characteristics of a given style

For the living room you need such Provence style wallpapers :

  • Plain embossed;
  • Preferred colors – olive, beige, white, lavender;
  • Monotonous walls will not look boring, because, as a rule, in a Provencal living room more than one picture is hung on the wall, bright rugs, cozy textiles, many sofa pillows are appropriate, and beautiful vases certainly with fresh flowers.

It is better not to take paper wallpaper for the living room, the degree of wear is higher, and the wallpaper itself should be more durable in the “running” room itself. If you still want a plot wallpaper for your living room, it should be faded enough so as not to cross the line of that unacceptable variegation of the interior.

Wallpaper in the style of country and provence for the bedroomProvence Wallpaper Kitchen Decorating Trends 2021

The purpose of the bedroom is relaxation. And that means peace and tranquility creates the very atmosphere of the room. This does not mean that monotonous wallpaper will migrate to the bedroom, on the contrary, a floral wallpaper is more appropriate for walls. But all sorts of floral wallpapers, in principle, can relate to the Provence style.

Floral provence wallpaper:

  • This is a bit retro-style, you can’t take wallpaper in a large flower, with fantasy flowers, with geometric flowers;
  • A small flower, albeit very frequent, against the background, emphasizing the depth of the natural color – this is what you need.

If the wallpaper in the bedroom looks a bit faded in the sun, they are even more suited to the Provencal style

The background for such a floral pattern is a color, which, ideally, is one of the colors of the associations of Provence. Lavender fields – means lilac, greenery of the Provence valleys – mint, olive, etc.

What wallpaper for Provence style you can choose in the kitchenProvence Wallpaper Kitchen Decorating Trends 2021

In principle, if you really follow the Provencal style, then the kitchen does not have to be pasted with wallpaper, painting will be enough.

But painting is less familiar in our interiors, which is why choosing the right wallpaper will bring you into the aesthetics of the style.

Provence style is often seamlessly intertwined with country and shabby chic.

The kitchen needs the following Provence style wallpapers:

  • Browse collections where there is a gastronomic print – cups and saucers, spoons, teapots, steaming pastries, etc. Such a plot drawing, if it is not very large, will be harmonious with the style.
  • Wallpaper with birds is also suitable for romantic cuisine, just emphasize this theme of birds by some allied element in the kitchen – for example, a picture depicting a bird or cups with a “bird” pattern;
  • For a room where they cook and eat, wallpaper in warm colors is more relevant.

The main feature of Provencal style wallpapers is floral prints and pastel colors.

If you are a fan of white furniture in the kitchen, openwork curtains, cozy textiles here, you can take “cold” wallpapers with a barely noticeable bluish pattern. They will get rid of the effect of a white kitchen a la operating room, but they will add soft rustic elegance to the kitchen.

Wallpaper provence for other roomsProvence Wallpaper Kitchen Decorating Trends 2021

In the hallway, the choice of wallpaper is also simple – the less furniture, the brighter the wallpaper, and vice versa.

Since the entrance hall is the first thing the guest sees when entering the house, you should immediately set the mood of the whole house in it.

If warm Provence is closer to you, and it is in other rooms, then do not interrupt the general style by choosing “cold” wallpapers in the hallway

Children’s wallpapers, wallpapers for a nursery exploit, basically, the same floral pattern. And if you think that there are so many of it in other rooms, you can turn to the plot drawing, a bit with a touch of retro. For example, a boy and a girl from the beginning of the last century on a retro bike. Or a girl with a birdcage, etc.

Provence is a style that preserves traditions, a style that preserves a person in the aesthetics of unity with nature, far from the principles of urbanistic moods. This is nostalgia for my grandmother’s childhood, at a time when they read books and had tea in the living room, rather than sitting on gadgets. Perhaps this is what you need.

Features of decoration, choice of furniture, decor and accessories, photo gallery

When arranging an apartment, each owner must ask himself a question about finding a special style, thanks to which his house will become unique. Those who recall the expression that striving first and foremost for simplicity and elegance almost always find a win-win interior solution. One of such popular European stylistic trends, suitable for such requirements, is the Provence style. Its alternative name is French country, so warm, cozy, rustic in the home. This is an ideal design for the kitchen space.

The design of the kitchen in the Provencal style for a long time retains the effect of novelty without bothering or annoying the owners, not to mention the ability of such an interior to charm any guest at first sight. Familiarity with this French direction is best to start with its characteristic features. And having received a general idea of the style, in the formation of which many coastal cities of southeast France participated, it will be easier to sort out your own preferences.

Provence: signs of styleProvence Wallpaper Kitchen Decorating Trends 2021

This style manages to combine simplicity, grace, comfort and coziness. Representing the interior of the kitchen in such a design, the imagination immediately carefully paints a picture of a real home idyll. An important role in its creation is played by the use of natural materials, decor and home-made furnishings.

In this case, it does not matter what kind of kitchen is in question – in a suburban household or city apartment. With the help of the French country, spaces of different layouts, footage and configuration are equally successfully played out.

The Provencal style room always has two undeniable advantages.

The first is a bright personality. Provence is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for designers who find in it more and more new ideas for creativity. Therefore, it is almost impossible to find two absolutely identical decorated kitchens.

The second is the stunning visual effects of increasing space due to design features. The kitchen-living room, decorated in this direction, will look even more spacious and free. And the precious squares of the small kitchen will be completely transformed by playing with new colors.

Secrets of Provencal InteriorProvence Wallpaper Kitchen Decorating Trends 2021

The secret of the interior in the French style lies in the design features themselves, which are to use:

  • Balanced lighting. Natural light sources are complemented by local ones, so there is always a lot of light in the room;
  • Light color palette. This applies to both surface finishing and furniture ensembles. Designers often use faded pastel shades, as if whitened by sunlight;
  • Antique furniture sets or specially aged modern furniture, the surface of which is decorated with patina, specially worn or even chipped places;
  • Forged items. It can be either separate parts of lamps or chandeliers, or forged candlesticks, and chairs;
  • Handmade decor in the form of textile trimmed with lace, hand- painted dishes, wicker baskets;
  • Live or dried flower arrangements ;
  • Open individual shelves or shelving designs with beautifully arranged kitchen utensils and ceramic figurines. Vessels with olive oil, spices, spices and seasonings are also stored here.

Important! In the interior of such a kitchen, furniture, appliances and decor are almost always located somewhat randomly. The motives of the French country do not imply strict rules in these matters, leaving the owners a great opportunity to express themselves. After all, the main task of this stylistic trend is to create an atmosphere of comfort that will provide a complete rest for the body and soul.

Color paletteProvence Wallpaper Kitchen Decorating Trends 2021

The authentic Provencal interior demonstrates a variety of colors, but not everyone is able to immediately notice it. The visual component of French-style cuisine is one sheer illusion. Therefore, often there is a deceptive impression of a completely white room. Although the main colors that prevail in the decoration of surfaces and furniture are the palette:

  • beige;
  • white
  • sand;
  • blue;
  • green
  • lavender;
  • olive;
  • blue.

To plausibly convey the authentic atmosphere that prevails in the Mediterranean cuisine, the designers take the lightest tones of the color palette. First, the background color is selected, and then it is complemented by various tint combinations. The concept of an absolute taboo in relation to any color does not exist. But the advantages of a snow-white palette should be said separately. Due to the abundance of white, a combination of lightness, airiness and purity in the interior is achieved, and the very visual effects of volume are obtained, which are always not enough for small rooms. Thanks to this, even the smallest space will visually look more spacious.

Surface finishProvence Wallpaper Kitchen Decorating Trends 2021


The most popular surface finishes are represented by the use of stucco mixtures, paints for decoration, whitewashing or wood paneling. Textiles are less common, but wallpaper is a rare exception to the rule of plastering or painting walls.

Important! The modern design is key to the French country allows for wallpaper and textiles, but the use of these materials is unusual for the authentic setting of a Mediterranean village house.

Choose a wallpaper

But, since not everyone adheres to clear rules, and for some reason it simply does not seem possible for some people to use “standard” materials, designers offer various options for wallpaper decoration. Fortunately, there are no problems in principle with the choice of colors, textures and themes.

Choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, you need to consider several key points – the color scheme, texture and ornament.

The color scheme. When designing in the Provencal style, light tones and warm colors are preferred. Therefore, natural, slightly muted beige, terracotta, yellow, blue, pink and green shades are ideal for wallpaper. Each of these flowers is found in a historic homeland. A universal solution for the kitchen-living room – snow-white wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern or a monophonic canvas for painting.

The invoice. With regard to texture and ornament, the same rule applies as when choosing furniture- they should be “wiped out” or burnt out due to the bright sun. The presence of bright, rich shades will look at least inappropriate. Wallpaper can have a smooth texture, but the kitchen will look more impressive with embossed options, imitation of plaster, wood, stone, textile.

Drawing. Popular motifs for wallpaper are floral, still life and representatives of the animal world and birds. For Provencal style, vertical stripes are always a relevant option.


Increased requirements are imposed on wallpaper in the kitchen – resistance to pollution, abrasion, moisture, premature loss of appearance. In addition to the unconditional leaders in this matter – non-woven and vinyl, photo wallpapers also deserve special attention.

The scope of photowall-paper is rather wide. They can be glued an apron, after which a glass panel is installed on top. With the help of photo wallpaper, an accent wall is often highlighted. The subject of the image can be very different – landscape, still life, the image of a lavender field or a scenic path that goes deep into the forest, a composition of individual vegetables, fruits or coffee beans. The basic rule is that the wallpaper mural should harmoniously complement the Provencal style.

The ceilings

Any chosen type of design of the kitchen space in the Provencal style welcomes the decoration of the ceiling with wooden ceiling beams. Sufficient room height is an excellent reason to use this popular design technique, which allows you to recreate an authentic interior, which is inherent in the special charm of a village house located on the Cote d’Azur. In a city apartment, this idea will be quite difficult to implement, but in the spacious kitchen-living room of a rural household, such a solution to the interior will come in handy.

Accents: Tile

An apron for the kitchen can just become a bright spot, which is allowed in a completely neutral interior. With a well-selected facade of the kitchen and dining table with chairs, tiles can be almost any. This applies to its color, texture and the presence of the picture. There are several varieties of ceramic tiles, which can give the French country style even more charm.

Since the Provence style originally meant finishing with natural stone, a tile that imitates the pattern or texture of the stone will always be a winning interior solution. Also, the design of the kitchen involves the use of ceramic under a brick, it does not matter traditional or stylized. The degree of heat will increase the patchwork tile, especially the option with a floral print or imitation of artificially aged surface. Tile stone decoration of a warm, natural shade of beige, light beige or light pink continues to be relevant. Another popular combination is snow-white brick tiles, which makes it possible to install a kitchen of any color.

Kitchen furnitureProvence Wallpaper Kitchen Decorating Trends 2021

Properly selected kitchen furniture is 70% success in space design. Furniture is a mirror image of the French country, it carries its characteristic features and even conveys the mood.

Features of furniture ensembles in the Provencal interior are presented:

  • The use of natural wood. An alternative option, which is allowed in a pinch – MDF. Furniture for French cuisine excludes the use of plastic and chrome;
  • Antique furniture and vintage fittings. Grandma’s chest of drawers and old-fashioned things from sales can become those decorative elements with which the interior will become one of a kind;
  • Facades of furniture with panels, glass inserts, wooden carvings;
  • Metal (copper, bronze, iron) handles of a kitchen set;
  • Using the decoupage technique, with which too much damaged furniture fragments are masked;
  • Budget option of furniture – painted white cabinets with a pattern printed across the stencil;
  • Wicker furniture. Chairs and tables made of twigs or rattan like no other furniture contribute to creating an atmosphere of home comfort and peace.

Kitchen space decorationProvence Wallpaper Kitchen Decorating Trends 2021

Interior design is a limitless field for activities where any housewife will find application for her talents in needlework, the art of ikebana and floristry.


So, Provence-style kitchen textiles are:

  • natural fabrics with bright floral prints or always up-to-date checkered pattern;
  • lace inserts on bedding, lampshades and aprons, lace napkins and tablecloths;
  • flower embroidery;
  • translucent tulle curtains, curtains made of cotton or linen;
  • furniture covers or upholstery with floral prints.

Decor and accessories: handmade ideas

The decor of the kitchen is primarily the dishes themselves. A pan, pan, bowl, vase can become a focal subject of wall decor. Shelves and shelves are lined with small household utensils – sugar bowls, pepper shakers, jars of spices, clay pots.

The maximum similarity with the interior of the village dwelling is achieved through the use of decorative copper containers, clay vessels of various shapes and sizes, wooden flowerpots made by hand. An interesting idea – signed jars of jam, marmalade and jam, homemade preserves and spices. Ornaments for their necks can be ribbons or bows tied in a certain way.

The best kitchen accessories include elements that combine convenience, functionality and attractive appearance. When selecting accessories for a room, its dimensions and features of a particular design must be taken into account. Accordingly, if we are talking about a spacious kitchen-living room in a country house, then the presence of too small details is undesirable, as they simply get lost against the general background. Conversely, in a small room, the use of large, catchy accessories is not recommended.


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