Modern Kitchen Design Trends 2025

Modern Kitchen Design Trends 2021

The kitchen is a special place in every apartment, so this room should not only be practical and functional, but also cozy, attractive. In 2025, everyone can choose among fashion trends in design that will correspond to the general spirit of his home, personal stylistic preferences. The main guidelines proclaimed comfort and expression of individuality of the owner. Consider the main trends in kitchen design in 2025!

Fashion ideas for kitchen design 2025Modern Kitchen Design Trends 2021

This year it is customary to consider environmental friendliness and a love of minimalism relevant, which is expressed both in makeup and hairdressing, as well as in the design of clothes and interior.

If possible, the kitchen should be bright, with simple concise forms. Designers advise to abandon unnecessary bulky items and a large number of decorative elements. The best options for decoration are glass and ceramics, wood and stone, metal.

Do not save on household appliances, let the original design correspond to functional cooking surfaces, a convenient refrigerator and microwave, and other appliances.

It remains relevant to divide the kitchen into several zones, for which they use different textures in decoration, color schemes and lamps. Do not forget that all items in the room must be selected in accordance with the general style.

Kitchen color schemes 2025Modern Kitchen Design Trends 2021

It is necessary to choose the color for the kitchen in 2025, focusing on fashion on natural surfaces. Woody shades look stylish, namely the colors of walnut, oak, ash or alder. Other natural colors are also relevant: coffee, chocolate, olive, cream.

If we talk about monochrome shades, then the white background is unlikely to go out of fashion. The contrasting combination of black and white is still relevant for designers. This is a kind of classic version that can be interpreted in completely different ways.

Among the colorful shades, you need to pay attention to yellow, cherry and bright blue, with which you can refresh the space. It is necessary to introduce them into the interior of the kitchen with some caution. Remember that colorful tones should serve as an accent rather than a dominant shade, otherwise they will irritate and tire the eye.

Kitchen furniture trends 2025Modern Kitchen Design Trends 2021

In modern kitchen 2025 there should not be many different pieces of furniture. Let it be a comfortable work surface, a minimum number of cabinets, a table and several chairs. Place only furniture in the room that is difficult to do without.

It is recommended to choose materials of natural origin. But if you decide to decorate the interior in a modern style, for example, hi-tech, then the use of plastic is quite allowed.

If possible, give preference to modules, systems of blocks that can be transformed. These options help free up more space in rooms with a small area.

If the kitchen is not small, discard the hanging cabinets. The rooms in which all objects are located horizontally look really stylish.

A fashionable trend is the use of glass facades, which can be in the form of an actual stained-glass window, with a matte or glossy surface. The kitchen looks modern, where there are many open shelves without additional decor.

Choosing an interior style

Making out the kitchen, you need to remember that for this room choose the style that matches the overall interior of the apartment or house. In 2025, you can use those styles that are associated with minimalism. We are talking about Art Nouveau, hi-tech, as well as non-standard – Oriental style and Provence.

Kitchen design 2025 in modern styleModern Kitchen Design Trends 2021

This style will be the best solution for lovers of originality and simplicity. Here, asymmetric shapes, glossy surface and severity of lines will become relevant.

Choose the colors you really like, as various options are allowed here. Complete the interior with colorful accents, floral patterns – all this will help to dilute the space and make spending time in the kitchen really enjoyable.

Kitchen design 2025 in hi-tech styleModern Kitchen Design Trends 2021

This option will appeal to lovers of functionality and technological innovations. For this direction, the use of a minimum of furniture and fabric, the lack of decor and a large number of glass details are relevant.

The presence in the kitchen of metallic chromed metal elements, synthetic materials, futurism and original forms is welcome. Give preference to the most modern household appliances and “smart” kitchen appliances.

Kitchen design 2025 in oriental styleModern Kitchen Design Trends 2021

In this case, the use of various decor is allowed, including a moderate amount of textile. All details should be located “in place”, and the interior of the kitchen should be thoughtful and harmonious.

Remember that oriental styling is diverse, and if for the Middle East direction the presence of bizarre copper utensils, silk elements is relevant, then for a Japanese-style kitchen, you need to choose bamboo mats and elegant porcelain.

Kitchen design 2025 in the style of provenceModern Kitchen Design Trends 2021

This style is associated with a homely atmosphere and a special “French” mood. The use of vintage furniture, ceramic tiles, blotches of brickwork, rough non-standard textures in the decoration of walls, natural textiles and floral ornaments is welcome. You can decorate such a kitchen with decorative clay dishes.

Kitchen design 2025 in a classic styleModern Kitchen Design Trends 2021

If you have a lot of free space in your apartment or house and there are financial opportunities to create a truly luxurious atmosphere, choose a classic style that is relevant at all times.

Here you need to use furniture made of quality wood, possibly with carved or forged parts. Decorate the kitchen with soft textile chairs in the dining area, long curtains, expensive lamps, carved paintings.

Small Kitchen: Trends 2025Modern Kitchen Design Trends 2021

First you need to decide on the stylistic direction. The best option for a small kitchen will be minimalism and simplicity of lines. Remember the design “tricks” that are used to visually enlarge a room. Choose light shades of cream and milk, mirrors, and surfaces with a glossy finish.

Furniture should be ergonomic, give preference to functional storage systems. A wonderful option will be the use of corner cabinets. You can solve the problem with the dining area using a folding table, as well as comfortable folding chairs.

Give preference to furniture without an abundance of decorative handles. Let kitchen items be free of sharp corners, which often cause injuries in small rooms.

How to make a kitchen studioModern Kitchen Design Trends 2021

If you have a small apartment, abandon the classic layout of the kitchen as a separate room. A popular way to rationally organize your living space is to remove a clear boundary between several functional areas.

Do not forget that the absence of a border does not mean at all that the kitchen area will not stand out at all. It is customary to separate it from the rest of the territory using a bar counter, which, for example, will become a wonderful dining table. In addition, you can divide the space into zones using the podium, color accents, a ceiling with several tiers.

A prerequisite for the design of a kitchen studio is the presence of a hood with a high level of power. This will help protect things in the rest of the room from odors.

In the working and dining areas may be different lighting. To do this, often use spot lights.

Kitchen Design 2025 – photoModern Kitchen Design Trends 2021

Based on the above examples, we can conclude that in 2024 it is easy to organize a comfortable, stylish and thoughtful interior in the kitchen. The main thing is to think about which option will be acceptable in your particular case. To do this, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the photos, which will serve as real examples of the organization of the kitchen space for you. Get inspired and experiment!

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