What is the best color to paint a kitchen? Trends 2021-2022

What is the best color to paint a kitchen? Trends 2021-2022

Meet the best collection of Modern Kitchen colors 2021-2022, being inspired by images that combine colors, countertops and details about this space.

Let’s get to know a little about the history and meaning of cooking; the term kitchen comes from the French word “cuisine” and from the Latin word “coquine” which means to cook food. If we talk about the importance of this space, we could define that it is one of the most important in a house, so it is worth doing a little effort in its decoration, just to help you in Creative spaces we bring today the best guide to choose colors that they will give life to modern kitchens.

According to psychology, colors directly influence our state of mind, so their choice should not be taken lightly, much less when it comes to decorating part of our home; What is the best color to paint a kitchen? Ultimately, the list includes more than two options that are not only perfect for generating bright spaces, but also fresh, happy, deep and modern.

The function of architecture must solve the material problem, without forgetting the spiritual needs of man.

What is the best color to paint a kitchen?

What is the best color to paint a kitchen? the question of many readers who do not dare to make the decision about which tone to include to give style to this space; However, according to experts, there is no exclusive tone that can answer this question, but rather, a series of factors that you must consider to adapt the tone to your kitchen.

Small kitchensWhat is the best color to paint a kitchen? Trends 2021-2022

We start with the small kitchens that are today the most common in homes; painting a small kitchen will not make it grow magically, however color will play an important role in achieving a greater sense of spaciousness and of course making us feel more calm in the place. The preferred colors for these spaces are:

  • Whites
  • Broken targets.
  • Ivory.
  • Soft grays.
  • Earth tones.
  • Pastel colours.

Large kitchensWhat is the best color to paint a kitchen? Trends 2021-2022

There is the other side of the coin, which integrates large kitchens in large spaces and this offers the possibility of playing more when choosing the color. Right here, we are inspired by modern kitchens that are often positioned as Internet favorites, integrating stronger or more vivid tones from the color wheel into their decoration, such as:

  • Red kitchens.
  • Yellow kitchens.
  • Black modern kitchens.
  • Blue kitchens.
  • Green kitchens.

Charming modern white kitchensWhat is the best color to paint a kitchen? Trends 2021-2022

White is one of the favorite tones to decorate any space, but when it comes to choosing the best color to style a small kitchen, this tone is totally flattering. Among the ideal colors for a small kitchen, white is a favorite, as it is bright, gives a greater sense of spaciousness and hygiene and is perfect to give style to the place.

But come on, when decorating a Kitchen accentuating the white color as the maximum representative of the decoration, you do not have to make the design look boring and without character, for that, the ideal is to complement the area with some of the most present Trends in the world of decoration: pendant lamps, in this case made of wicker, flowerpots with plants and wooden countertops to create the best complement.

White and other accessoriesWhat is the best color to paint a kitchen? Trends 2021-2022

White is a color that admits like no other the addition of another that accentuates its details to give it greater style and personality; right here, we could talk about accessories where ivory, wood color, red, green or yellow, are positioned as favorites so that the environment is not monotonous or too cold.

Wood or earth tones always work very well with white and are one of the most present combinations today in the design of modern kitchens; here, the furniture offers a simpler and more minimalist perspective making the room feel more spacious and totally welcoming.

This other kitchen adapts red as a tone that accentuates the details and completely breaks with a monotonous environment and lacks personality; here the atmosphere is clean, the furniture adapts intelligently to the size of the room and the light gives a greater touch of spaciousness to the area.

With the following design, it is clear to us that modern kitchens today completely come out of the conventional style that for so many years I bet on decorating kitchens in chocolate brown or mahogany tones, integrating small spaces with tones that play an intelligent role, such as white and emerald green in a matte and elegant style.

Let’s talk about another tone that complements the white of small kitchens, adding life, brightness and joy to the place : Yellow, in its most striking version and without falling into an excess of decoration; here the fusion revolves around three tones, white, yellow and wood color, rescuing a bit of the retro style that has returned with great force.

Modern wood-colored kitchen designsWhat is the best color to paint a kitchen? Trends 2021-2022

The wood color in its most natural state that brings a beige color to our senses is today one of the favorite tones to rescue the design of modern kitchens, being one of the favorite tones to develop kitchens in small spaces; decorating the place starting from this tone is a great option, especially when looking to achieve cozy, warm and elegant spaces.

Best of all, this trend is capable of adapting to any style; from small and minimalist kitchens, to those that develop a rustic and somewhat classic concept. Wood in its most natural state has the ability to visually expand the space and illuminate the space, with the same capacity as white but with a more striking touch of color.

But come on, talking about kitchens that choose wood in a beige tone not only describes the designs that are made exclusive to small spaces, but on the contrary, the versatility that this tone has to adapt to larger spaces is fantastic.

Chocolate cafe kitchens, a classic full of modernityWhat is the best color to paint a kitchen? Trends 2021-2022

Let’s talk about a color that is somewhat classic and it would seem that it had been a bit forgotten, however, the ability it has to adapt to modern styles in the design of Kitchens that are today a trend, has once again positioned chocolate coffee as a of the most beautiful alternatives to reform our space.

Chocolate coffee is a tone with a lot of personality, it tends to integrate perfectly into large and small spaces in a unique way and best of all, this tone has a unique ability to integrate into the design of modern kitchens that choose a classic, minimalist style or somewhat industrial.

It presented you with one of the most beautiful designs that make up this article, using the chocolate color with a matte effect that gives it elegance, for its part combining white with coffee for the design of modern kitchens results in a feeling of neatness and spaciousness in the place.

Precisely the following kitchen clearly shows us one more combination between white and chocolate to highlight the most modern design of this space; Here, a countertop that keeps white is chosen to give this element elegance, while the furniture and drawers respect the chocolate color in its entirety.

Another proposal comes through the wood, rescuing a mahogany tone that reveals acetos of the chocolate tone; the design of this kitchen is committed to classic details that are combined with modern elements capable of giving character to the kitchen. For its part, the combination of coffee with black marble countertops gives a unique sense of elegance to the design.

Blue kitchens and modern designsWhat is the best color to paint a kitchen? Trends 2021-2022

The color blue is today one of the strongest trends to decorate modern kitchens with a lot of style and a bit daring; We would think that this tone is exclusive for large spaces, but when you know how to adapt it to small spaces, blue will give your kitchen a unique character.

To combine in small spaces, the ideal would be to use the color blue only to accentuate the design of the kitchen and preserve the white color on the ceilings and walls, some hints of wood, but above all a lot of light that enlarged the place for mere visual effect.

On the other hand, when you want to decorate large kitchens in open spaces, blue can be maximized and take over almost the entire design. If you choose this tone for your next project, take into account that you will be able to get a room capable of transmitting energy, peace, harmony, freshness and luminosity.

Black kitchen designWhat is the best color to paint a kitchen? Trends 2021-2022

Let’s talk about trends and good taste, describing the design of black kitchens that choose this tone to completely break with the classic styles that for years reigned the decoration of this room. Black kitchens go best in large spaces, don’t forget.

It seems that black only goes well as a wardrobe in the world of interior design, but when you know how to apply it, the end result is spectacular; When talking about black kitchen decoration, we could rescue this tone as the most elegant of the season that can fill a space with spaciousness when black is combined with white or silver.

The following design shows us a kitchen in black, wide and far from what seems very bright. Here the black color is integrated through the wood that describes the design of modern furniture with chrome applications and countertops in the same granite tone, describing the elegance in each of its facets.

Source: Our images included here are not of our own authorship, some are taken as a reference for inspiration from Pinteres, Instagram or from the Google image gallery.

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